Can I Come In And Play?">[url=]
Hi Amy, Welcome back!! You sure have gone through alot!!! Thank goodness you are your way to a much healthier life!!
In my twenties I also had a tumor, a pitiutary tumor!! I had gained 80 lbs in a year and I had doctors tell me it was because I had gotten married and working full time ....weight gain happens??? I switched doctors a millions time until my hero, Dr M, figured out I had a pituitary tumor!! I had been trying to pregnant for years (fertility treatments) and nothing then as soon as tumor was treated I became pregnant with my son!!! 2 boys later I had tried everything to lose weight and finally turned to WLS. I got my life back!!
I look forward to you sharing your recipes. I hoard recipes .....I wish I used more of them !!
Have your doctors checked your prolactin levels?? Although I didn't have any other signs of a prolactin problems (leaky breasts etc) my levels were too high as soon as that 1 hormone level was in the normal range I was pregnant within a week!!! I also had visual changes and as soon as I had my son by sight was back to 20/20!!! Yeah!! I was luck y my tumor was small enough to shrink with heavy duty meds....which made me sick but IT WORKED!!! I always felt like I was gonna croak b4 I hit 30!!! Thanks God for Doctors who listen!! I actually took in pictures which had dates on the bottom and my doctor couldn't believe I went from a thin girl, picture of me on a windsurf board, to unhappy obese girl within a year.
I'll be pulling for you!!!!!!! I hope those injections are the magic bullet for you!!! Please keep me updated!!!
Sounds like you and your doctors have everything under control.!!! When do you get to start the injections??
I agree chasing a 3 year around is great exercise and leave little time to think of anything else!! My baby is going off to kindergarten this year !!!! They grow up so fast....i wish he was 3 again!!!
Have a great day!!!
Karyn B, -185 lbs less than I was 5 years ago!
Never eat more than you can lift.
- Miss Piggy