To much SF JELLO???
lately I have found myself eating alot of SF jello throughout the day, just kinda enjoying the taste and kinda using it to assist me in getting in some extra fluids. sometimes I use a dallup of light whip cream which is 15 cal, 1 carb and 1 gram of sugar. But it is the Jello for the most part that I am having. Anyone think there is anything wrong with this? I still drink my reg. water as well. Does this just travel through my pouch the same as liquids ( I know it's considered a liquid) I think I am also kinda using it to avoid snacking as well. Let me know what you guys think, I am over two years ot and this is a new thing for me. Thanx
on 7/3/07 2:03 am
In my humble opinion, it is a great snack choice. It is just liquid in a solid form. No sugar, some flavor and it provides the texture of 'something' special.
Now, if you are eating a bath tub full of it in one day, I would think maybe you aren't getting enough protein but anything less than a bath tub full would be fine.
One of my favorite snacks is an individual jello (yes I am too freaking lazy to make jello) and small 4oz Cottage Cheese. I get some protein for my few calories. (I have learned cottage cheese is socially acceptable in every eating environment).