Vertical Sleeve
The gastric vertical sleeve was the best choice for me- The down time is much less than the other WLS options. A portion of the stomach is removed where the hormone that tell your brain that you are hungry (Ghelhm) not sure I spelled that correctly. With the vertical sleeve there is no rerouting of your intestine therefore you have fewer side effects ie dumping syndrome, malabsorption. If you are thinking about surgery, please ask your surgeron in your area about information on theis procedure. I had my procedure on 6/27/07 and I was home on the 28th. No Critical care required. Please look into it.
A good friend of mine had that surgery almost two years ago. She did very well the first year and then started re-gaining some weight. Her stomach stretched. She had that particular surgery because she was too high risk for the r n y. A few months ago she had to go back in and have the surgery re-done, making her stomach smaller again. The doctor told her this time it won't stretch out again, it's done all of the stretching it will be able to. She lost about 80 pounds since the first surgery and had re-gained 20.