Just cant do it.
It's not the end-all-be-all plan to "get back on track". Please don't be sad! There is something that works for you. Just re-focus your efforts and stay around this board. I am not on T.O. anymore either and am having great success with cutting out sugars and carbs while encorporating protien shakes and lean protiens. It rocks!!!
Every single waking hour of the day I am either drinking water, drinking a yummy protein shake or eating a small amount of protien. I am not getting hungry this way and the weight is falling off kinda like it was on time out!
huge hugs, don't be discouraged!
About 1-2 ounces of protein comes in nice little packages.
To me, it's all about the deli meats and string cheese. I wrap a piece of ham, salami or turkey around a pickle or anything pickled (greenbean, asparagus, ect) and it seems like candy to me these days! I love it! I eat lean hamburger patties grilled with A-1, mustard, and more pickles for dinner, or a piece of grilled chicken or whatever strikes my fancy! Beef jerky, tuna and shrimp salad served up on slices of cucumber on cute plates.
After I get my DK's down for bed tonight I'll post my daily menu for tomorrow!

I just cant do it. I tried, but I forget and eat something. If I had the life style that I had when I was younger I could probable do it, but I dont. I have been sticking to nothing but protein. I stalled some along the way but I never really stopped losing yet. I just lose really slow and thought maybe the time out would jump start me to losing this last forty pds... Thanks for encouragin me... hugs
Love Marie My Space I am a Army mom
Kinda like organized anorexia - or so it felt after day 2 - so, not for me either -
(sarcasm folks - please don't flame) - actually after day 2, I felt so bad and my metabolism had slowed down so much (despite going to the gym every day) that I bout ate out my kitchen and gained a pound.....
Sooooo - I am trying to modify my "time out" to a "time out" from simple carbs, sugar, etc - get plenty of exercise, etc...
Hi for me a t/o is 3 protein shakes a day 2-3 oz of lean ground turkey or chicken 1-2 times a day as i feel my body needs it and i ate 3 crackers (salten ones with p.b.) once in awhile, not the packaged ones but ones i spread the p.b. on, this way it is lower in carbs and fat..and i lost 5lbs my 1st week today is day 7 and it is so much easier. i tried the t/o with just 3 prot. shakes and honestly my body needed more cal. then 300 a day.. so go back to basics the best you can sty focused read all our posts and struggles with it and you should be motivated... this board has helped me, when i want to eat usally after i am streessed about something, i go on the computer and get re-focused.. it helps...
good luck and no matter what you do if you cut the carbs and cal. your eating even in 1/2 you will lose..
as stated above...this is what I'm doing:
Every single waking hour of the day I am either drinking water, drinking a yummy protein shake or eating a small amount of protien. I am not getting hungry this way and the weight is falling off kinda like it was on time out!
(I poached this from an email above) But it does state what I'm doing. I do slip and have a 1/2 piece of bread every once in awhile, say every two or three days, however, the important thing is I'm back on the board. I am convinced....ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED....that this board save each and everyone one of some serious anxiety over our weigh issues. So my dear, stay on this board, first and foremost and no need to give up! You have everything you need right here to help you on your journey!
Go look at Willow's post...I cracked up. It totally brought me out of my funk! Hugs!!