Accountability - What did you eat, Wednesday 6/27?
Hello One and All,
It is a beautiful morning today in coastal Carolina...Have a followup appt with my plastic surgeon today, will find out about massage and scar care and hopefully get a date I can return to exercise and motorcycle riding...
B - 2 protein balls
S - 20 oz decaf sf/ff cinnamon dulce latte
L - 1/2 cup chicken salad
20 soy crisps
S - 1 sf peanut butter cup
1 sf raspberry dark chocolate
D - Nachos w/ ground beef, crab, peppers, onions, mushrooms and of course cheese
1 nsa peanut butter and jelly cookie
S - 5 sf peanut butter wafer cookies
PLUS - 66 oz water/crystal light and 10 oz hot tea with lemon and honey
TOTALS = Cals - 1369 Fat - 75 Carbs - 102 Protein - 83

Alesia - It appears that you had a good day of eatting.
Yesterday was a fairly good day for me too although I didn't get it entered into fitday for the totals.
B - oatmeal
L -1/2 oriental chicken wrap (Applebees)
S - appledipper
D - dbl cheeseburger no bun
S - grilled chicken out of a chicken wrap
Today is a REALLY BAD DAY!!!! dh sold his car yesterday in preperation for our move, so he took mine to work today.... problem is there is NOTHING to eat in the house (in preperation for our move)... I had popcorn for breakfast and now am eagerly awaiting his return (at about 4pm) to go get me some FOOD!!! The kids are eatting pb&j but I get soooo sick if I eat that that I'm not even trying it!! I should have planned better!!!!!!!
Oh Laurie,
I really sucks when things go awry and you have not planned out an alternative, unfornately I can relate 1st hand 'cuz I've this myself a few times...Tomorrow will be better, just don't go crazy when you finally get to sit down and eat real food and get back on track tomorrow (Friday)
Wednesday was a good day though
, keep the positive thoughts coming...

Great day on your eating, Alesia!!
Mine was not very good, but I enjoyed it! LOL
B - 3/4 c Glucerna flakes w/raisins w/2 T ground flax, banana, 1 c ff milk
S - 8 oz nsa lf peach yogurt, AchievONE
12 oz decaf ff sf mocha latte' at the grocery store
L - 1 T pb, sf Jell-O cup, 1 pack O'Coco's, 60% mint German chocolate bar
S - nsa ice cream sandwich, AchievONE
D - 1/2 of a cranberry walnut chicken salad, 6 sm fried mushrooms, 4 French fries off hubby's plate from Garfield's, sf fudgie at home
S - 1 1/2 c nsa lf vanilla ice cream w/ff RW
Plus I had 65 oz water, 16 oz half decaf coffee, 16 oz decaf diet green tea, 12 oz cf Diet Coke, 16 oz sf ff hot cocoa w/ff RW and I walked the mall w/hubby for 45 minutes and did 30 minutes of light weights.
Total - 2138
fats: 73; carbs. 257; prot. 115

WhoooWeee Girl,
Must have been the mushrooms that really topped off the cake...Hey every day is a new day, right...I say it to you, you to me, and around it goes - some days are just going to be like this, accept that its okay, don't beat yourself up and don't let it become a daily habit, you'll be fine...
Been thinking I will buy some of the glucerna with strawberries when I shop tomorrow nite, they sound good and are advertised as low carb and sugar, have you tried the strawberry?
Give me a great report tomorrow, OKAY?

Hey Connie,
I forgot to tell you, cherries are on sale for $1.99 a lb this week at Food Lion (grocery in my area)...

- take note I am dancing on the table top right now and going out right after dinner to pick up a couple of lbs...You'll be seeing them on my daily menu's in the upcoming days if I can keep the DH and kids out of them for more than a day

Hi, Alesia! Yesterday was a MUCH better day as you'll see when we post.
I just wanted to say about the Glucerna cereal - I wanted to try it, hoping it wouldn't make me have my low sugar dive that I always get about an hour or two after breakfast. It tastes real good (my store only has the raisin one, though) - BUT it's 10 g of sugar and 28 g of carbs which is really no different than any other cereal I eat. And it's almost $5 a box!! So I won't be buying it any more.
Have a great rest of the day!!

Hi Alesia!! Hope your f/u appointment goes well!!!! Your food looks great!! Yes, I would like to try that quiche. Do you think I have to use the crust??
2 c. coffee with ff creamer
B-1 slice high fiber toast, 1 t. promise margarine, 1 morningstar sausage patty, 2 egg whites
L-Lean Cuisine Lasagna, salad with ff Italian dressing
S-1 cup watermelon, nectar twisted cherry
D-Morningstar cheeseburger on 1/2 lite wheat burger bun, 2 T. ketchup, 1 T ff mayo, sliced tomato, 1/2 c. green beans
S- sugar free pudding cup
TOTALS: Calories - 1060 Fat - 24 Carbs - 136 (yikes!!! Wanna try and decrease that) Prot-85
Hey Niecey,
, awesome day for you, don't stress the carbs too much, it looks like you're getting most of them from good carb sources...
As for the quiche, she says you can go for crustless in the recipe, I guess you just need to PAM the pan pretty well to avoid sticking...I'm going to get the stuff to make it this weekend and put it on my lunch menu for a couple of days next week...
See ya tomorrow...

Hi all, Had an ok day. Did some strength training on our total gym. As for pool exercises Alesia, I haven't been in a bathing suit in a million years and now because of all the lose, hanging skin I won't put one on.

72oz water/decaf tea/decaf coffee
Dannon, Light'n Fit Carb Control, Strawberries 'n Cream, 4oz, 1 serving 60 3 3 5
Milk, 1%, 1 cup 102 12 2 8
chicken apple craisen walnut yogurt salad, 1 serving 150 18
Spaghetti, cooked (pasta), 1 cup 197 40 1 7
Ground beef, 2 oz 176 0 15 9
Spaghetti/Marinara Sauce (tomato sauce), 1 cup 143 21 5 4
swiss cheese 100 14
Red Ripe Tomatoes, 0.5 cup cherry tomatoes 16 3 0 1
Romaine Lettuce (salad), 2 cup, shredded 16 3 0 2
kraft salad spritzer, 15 serving 15 0 0 0
sf pudding with 1 % milk, 1 serving 90 0 0 0
cool whip lite 50
1144 82 27 62
Have a great weekend, glad you are recovering so well past your surgery Alesia. Let us know when you are ok'd to begin exerciseing, just wondering how long on average people have to wait after surgery.