Probably going to get flamed but I have to get this off my chest
First let me make it very clear that this post has nothing to do with anyone specifically but rather a trend I have noticed since coming back to the boards. It seems to me that there are so many of us that assume because we have some regain we need revisions. I know all about regain. I had surgery almost 8 years ago and over the last 3 have gained back 50 pounds to be at what was a week ago 225. NOW, that being said I would rather be 225 and a size 16 then 374 and a size 28 as I once was. My labs are perfect and I am healthy, but just want to get back to 175 which was a healthy weight for my body. I never even thought about a revision because my pouch is doing its part 100%, I was not doing mine. So, a week ago Monday I got it togethor. Treadmill walking 30-45 minutes a day, 6 days and I am keeping up this regimen going forward. I have mal tracking knee caps in both knees and was told by my ortho surgeon to STAY OFF TREADMILL. I refuse to sit by and remain at this weight and I have actually had less pain since working out again. I went back to drinking water, water and more water and keeping a check on my calorie and sugar intake.
ITS WORKING!! I have lost 6 pounds so far! I know this will slow but the weight loss has become a secondary benefit. Much to my surprise I forgot how great I feel when I move my butt. I feel super and have so much more energy.
I know some of us DO NEED a revision and for those of us that do I pray we get it. None of us want to go back to the hell of being MO. But search your soul and talk to your Dr. before going ahead with another surgery. You just may be able to do it without that. I hope I do not offend anyone, but just trying to provoke some thought thats all.
Have a great day!

No flaming!!!
I agree with you completely and yes, they operate on our body, not our heads! I think it's worth mentioning that we STILL have our pouches and in most cases, not all, we can reset them, but, in the end, it is our mind/body/spirit connections that will heal us. When ONE is not in balance the other two will not be in balance either. It's a lot of work to connect up all three but well worth the effort!
Here's to day seven of my TO and I'm at 6 lb. loss. I've slipped a bit, and also need to get off my butt and thank you for your inspirational post about how important exercise is. AND the is so easy to get off track!
Well what works for u might not work for everyone I was doing my part my doctor even said i need to gain more while i was pregnant i only gained 9 pounds until I started breast feeding then i ate for two and my body held on to every pound i have been tryin to shed it off walking and eating right its not working and now my diabetes have come back I feel a revision is for me i understand what u are sayin we need to try to loose before jumping into a revision i tried that but i did not gain weight in the last three years slowly this popped on in the last year over 50 pounds that is enough to send u into major depression i am willing to try any jumpstart diet any thing to loose with out surgery if any one knows any thing let me know i am willing to try but how much confidence can u have if u are following a strick diet and not loose a pound.
I agree with you.
As we get further out we seem to think we could eat "normal". But what we need to remember is that we can not.
We must always follow a program. As they told us before surgery this is a lifetime commitment. We must eat as we were told. Yes it's hard at times but we are the better for it. And we must move to lose.
The bad carbs go down too easy. so I try to stay far away from them.
I don't stray from protein first then good carbs. and no drinking for an hour after eating.
This is what I signed up for.
Every day I hold on to these principles is another day of being thin and healthy.
338/176 and still losing
wELL i agree with you and so sorry to admit I WANTED A REVISION!!!! I went and had upper gi just hoping my stomach needed to be fixed made smaller something to explain the 20lb gain (neerdless to say i never made it to goal no matter what i tried) well when the dr. came in and said after 4 years my pouch, staples, stoma, is all in great working order, I wanted to cry.. I was dissapointed and she new it.. she said to do a revision with no health issues and a good intact pouch could open me up for many complications now or later and said i should go back to bascics... Well not the answer i wanted, but i knew then that It i s a choice i need to make either to keep getting fatter or lose the weight i gained... soooooooo I went on the board, started being honest about my crapy eating and grazing habits, updated my profile, started a modified timeout plan, not diet just good way to eat.... and guess what i have lost 10lbs, (5 on t/o in a week and 5 on my own) sooo i now weigh 197 and cant wait till 180's i walk daily and dont eat any CARBS>>>
good luck to all of you,, oh and by the way I have to stay off the revision board, it consumed my every thought and i have my answer now and God has given me peace as well as the strenght to do this.. THERE ARE REASONS THOUGH PEOPLE TRULY NEED REVISIONS. AND WE NEED TO SUPPORT THEM,, But for me personaly I was hoping and praying, knowing it would be an easy quick way to hopefully lose 60lbs., You know i am a little grateful for my Dr. honesty.. it hurt but she was dead on about my eating habits..
Hi HQ!
Great post....I didn't know you had investigated a revision...contrats on you loss too!!! I am at a stand still today with my weight loss but you had predicted it right the other day when I didn't have a loss. The next day I had dropped three. I really notice a difference if I don't get my water in....
Also, I am not exercising!! What the heck am I trying to prove is the big question! I've got plenty of time, plenty of energy, etc....I know it's alll in my head...but do I go get my two-three mile walk in? nope. I keep justifying it and making excuses....blah....I've been down on myself bad today. Just called a friend and am slowing coming out of my funk....I do think I need to get my anti-depressant changed and called the doc office about a switch. I've battled the chemical imbalance issues for years. So, that being said, just wanted to say hi! 4:30 in the afternoon here, hot, muggy, and unbearable outside isn't helping me one bit! (I live in the outdoors when it's nice outside and get cabin fever very easily)....