The Secret: Magical Thinking?
Well, I'm up to 193 and my BMI indicates that I am categorized as "obese". How fun.
So, I was reading this book called "The Secret" and it is basically about the laws of attraction as applied to the human condition through positive intention. Some of it, I know, is hooey, but I have begun applying the principles to weight loss. I want to get to my goal weight of 150 and I have been going the wrong way the past year. So instead of dwelling on getting fatter I am focusing on me at 150lbs. What clothes I am going to wear, how I'm going to feel etc. I feel better already, it just might work! (it will work).
Good idea! You can do it
Hi DeeBee,
It's interesting that you bring up this topic. My friend and I were discussing my recent decision to apply the TO program for a couple of weeks. We're both a few pounds from goal to put in nicely. So, I said to here, "well, I don't know why it's easy. Well, actually it isn't easy. I just TELL myself it is." I do know that it is a fact that if you tell your brain something long enough, often enough, it will manifest the intention. That is a fact. That is why all of the negative self-talk defeats us even though there is a part of us that does, truely want to succeed. Also, if you think about, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING starts with a thought.....EVERYTHING. Everything we do, everything that happens, everything that has ever been invented, the list goes on. I guess I figure that my weight loss can be put into that catagory also. I would never have had the surgery had it not been for that FIRST thought. and then the second and the third and so this postive result! We really are magical, wonderful amazing creatures! And I am a firm believer that you can talk your "BRAIN' into believing anything, anything at all!!! All my best! Manfesting the intention into realty is possible!
It's funny that you mention this...JUST last week I watched the video and decided that I was a size 12..which I currently am not....So far I am just focusing on changing my mindset to a more positive one...not a fearful one. I live in constant fear that I am going to regain my weight....which doesn't allow me to enjoy the fact that I have lost it to begin with..which totally defeats the purpose of having the surgery because I don't enjoy the change of the quality of life..because I am constantly worrying about it..make sense? So far the scales haven't moved, but that doesn't mean that I won't be a size 12, it just means I will have to work a little harder....
Hi DB!
I totally believe in ALL that JAZZ!!! I am a huge Secret fan and use it in my own life daily. You can think yourself into better health I believe. It is especially useful to those who have a hard time coming to grips with their postop body.
Thanks for bringing this up. I am working on a "vision board" for my health, wellbeing, and physical appearance. It's very powerful to those who believe.
I may have to get that book. I have been beating myself up....Gaining and stressing and don't seem to be able to get control....I am not liking myself and don't believe in me anymore. I can't figure out when this insecurity of being me crept back into my life. The first year was so I feel I have lost me and can't get her back. I need control. I need to be me and love me. How do I do this again? Positive intentions are definitely needed here.
Life is too short to eat lousy food!
Hugs and Fleece Blankets