Weight Gain While in Hospital??
Donna it is to be expected. They load us up with IV fluids in the hospital and our bodies are stresed from surgery and retain excess fluids.You will start to get rid of it soon. Keep sipping your fluids and follow your doctors plan.
All the best
I gained about 7 lbs. in the hosp. I had open RNY on a Tues., came home on Fri., & weighed for the first time that Sat. Thank heavens, I had heard of this happening frequently, so I didn't panic, but I didn't weigh myself again until my 2-wk. check-up. At that time, I was down 19 lbs. from my pre-op weight PLUS the weight gained in the hosp.!
Sip your fluids like crazy!!
Oh isn't that the worst feeling! You're just certain that you are the only one who this surgery is bound not to work for!!!! I mean just look, i gained weight having the surgery, sleeping and not eating, I'm doomed to be fat. Does all this sound familiar??? Believe me, you wil lose all this plus a ton more, it truly is just fluids, from the IV's and the trauma your body has been through. Take care, Melinda 2 yrs 3 months. Start weight 326 current weight 147lbs