Repost from main board:Shaq's Big Challenge
I just saw a commercial for a new show called Shaq's Big Challenge. Shaquille O'neil is going to work with obese children and help them get fit. The commercial was so inspirational I actually teared up watching these kids. It premieres Tuesday on ABC. Not sure of the time but I can't wait to watch it. Like many of us I was trapped in an obese body my entire life until the blessing of my RNY 8 years ago. I WISH something like this was there to help me when I was a child. Thought you guys might be interested. Have a great day!!

I remember when I was prepubescent going to the doc for something and him telling me I needed to lose weight. I knew this, but being a kid, did not know how. The doc offered no suggestions. My mom was a nurse. She taught us kids to eat healthy foods, but we had little instruction in portion control. I followed my dad who ate enormous quantities of food. He enjoyed food and so did I. He eventually got diabetis and lost a leg and his life to it. I was teased a bit at school for being chubby by some of my female classmates and eventually became the fat girl I thought I was. Looking at old pics of myself as a child I was not obese but a little overweight. I sure wish I had had better training to know how to eat more wisely and learn to excercise more. My parents loved me, but in this they failed. Good for Shaq. We don't need other kids growing up as ignorant as I was.