CAUTION: get labs checked regularly
I keep forgetting to mention my labs! So here goes.... I was perfectly normal until year two. I just "happened" to get blood work done and they found my iron was low. My GP INSISTED I try supplements, which didn't work. She allowed my feritin to get down to 2 before, in a panic, calling the hemotologist whom I saw the very next day. This was about 10 months ago. I ended up getting three seperate iron infusions and maintained normal counts for 9 months. The caution is this, I got a CMP done each and every month after I had the infusions. All was perfect. My count in March was 12. I skipped going in April, thinking to myself that I was fine, just a bit tired....decided to behave and went and got my CMP May 10th. My count had dropped to 4 in that short amount of time. So, I recently had another iron infusion. The hemotologist feels I will probably be able to go a year at a time but if not, he will put me at the six month mark for the infusions. I also want to mention that my endocronlogist discovered I had very low Vit. D. This went unnoticed in all of my previous labs. It is a special test not usually done in a complete metabolic panel I guess. I am on oral Vit. D and that does get absorbed so that is good! At any rate, just a caution to the grads that when you least expect it your counts can go into the tank. It is sooooo important to get checked on a regular basis. I can't tell you how much better I feel since this last infusion. The insane craving for sugar fee popcicles was a dead give-away for me! PICA is really such a crazy symptom. Just wish I would have been paying more attention. BUT, I'm back in line now. Just wanted to mention it....Lbb Yogawoman