Need support
let me start by introducing my self. I am Norma and I am not new to the boards infact yesterday had been a year since i last posted. it goes to show how time passes by. Any who I had my surgery December 14,2006 my starting weight was 245 I went down to 136 and then crep up to 150 maintained that for a few months and I am now at 158. I feel awful. It is coming back to the worst place ever. My stomach. Yuk! my size 8 pants fit tight as hell and i just wont admit that its the weight at least not until now. I had my surgery in VA and moved about 8months due to a divorce and since then had not seen any doctors to monitor my progress. I know I am to blame for all that has happend. I just need some encourging words from you all.
Hi Norma, don't beat yourself up too much longer. We all can get out of control once we let our guards down. We let them down for many reasons: emotional upset, fatigue or "just don't care". You are at the "realization" stage where you now understand that you have stopped folowing your basic wls rules for too long. The next step is to climb back into the wls diet saddle and hold on. Keep in touch with this forum or the forum that corresponds to your specific wls type. If you do this and re-establish a relationship with a bariatric group/surgeon, your excess weight should come off and your size 8's will fit nicely once again. Good luck.
Well, Norma this is a very familar type of post. I wrote one very similar about a month ago! I hit rock bottom and had gained a bunch of weight as well. I never imagined that would happen to me. I thought it would be smooth sailing after I finally had my surgery.
Anyway, take a deep breath. Rest assured that you know what to do but life has gotten in the way. Now you just have to apply the knowlege and you will be a smashing success! The difference is that now you have a pouch on your side and are armed with the motivation to succed!
I JUST went to my first support group meeting EVER since my surgery in 12/04 and it was a long time coming. I am so glad I did though.
Hang in there and let us know what we can do for you or with you to help!
Hey there Norma~
Girl, I hear ya. This is a struggle for sure. It's just sooooooooo easy to fall into old habits. Coming back to OH was a huge first step and I applaud you. We can work through this muck together!! I encourage you to read back through the WLS grad pages. There are some great ideas and words of wisdom. They were great motivators for me. Check in here every once in a while. These folks will keep you honest. They keep me honest anyway.
And guess what? You are NOT alone. Everyone is struggling. So welcome back, let's get back on track and be successful together!

You've seen the problem and now you're working on it. That's the best you can do.
Definitely see a surgeon tho, to check on your bloods, etc. There are some fine ones in the NYC area. Perhaps a support group would be a good idea too. Again, there are several in the NYC area you could go to with no problem.
Duodenal Switch/Lap -- Drs. Alfons Pomp & Michel Gagner - New York City
4/4/05: 265 lbs/BMI: 45.6
4/11/05: 256 lbs/BMI: 43.9 (date of surgery)
7/27/08: Gallbladder Removed
on 6/15/07 6:51 am - englewood cliffs, NJ
on 6/15/07 6:51 am - englewood cliffs, NJ
I have the same problem.Did you hear of any hwo made their pouch smaler.Please email to me.
All the best EK