Quick TO question
Jo: I would think that doing a few days of T.O. a week would be better then not doing it, but you could still do it on the run too. If you take a water jug with you, measure out your protein and package individually. You can also get individually packaged crystal lite mix. there are also pre mixed protein drinks. If you did a modified diet, maybe a protein drink in the am and salad or vegies and protein for lunch and or dinner. Any thing that will help you to cut down on the grazing and make better food choices will help! Everyone needs to do what works for them. It mostly takes committment and determination, and I'm sure you'll figure out how to work it into your schedule!! Good luck!!! DeeAnn R Ps I am doing a modified T.O. and have lost about 5 of my regained 15 lbs. It's a little slower loss since I'm eating some, but it's something I can see myself doing more long term.
Hi Jo~ I am not doctor, so I don't know for sure. But, to me, I say "why not give it a try?" But, I am just a newbie and there are so many others with a LOT more wisdom. I can tell you that this Time Out has been truly amazing and I am grateful for the results. It has really got me thinking about my addiction and how I have a pretty mixed up relationship with food! Praise God for the results so far!!

