Did You Move To Lose Today? Hump Day!!!
Hi Everyone,
I am so excited that so many have posted and decided now was the time to get movin!! Otherwise I may come and find you!!!!
I couldn't sleep for some reason this morning so I got up at 6:00am and walked the dog. When I got home I changed and went to the gym to do my Barbell strength class and then stayed and did my Kick Boxing class. I am going to get this weight off if it kills me.
It may just kill me
Barbell class consist of weight work:
Chest presses
Triceps curls and flies
Biceps curls and hammer
Back dead lift and clean and press
Kick boxing class is the best stress reliever! You kick and punch for an hour
So my friends, Did You Move to Lose and or Maintain Today? We are getting a great start, now lets keep it going!!!!
Stay Strong, Sexy and Sassy!!!
Take care,
ps...getting some dinner, be back later to let you know I am so proud of you all!!!!

Holy cow!
You are going to make the rest of us look like slackers! I decided to mix it up as you suggested and I tried to ride my bike. That was a bust! I got my bilke out for the first time this year and the tires were soft, i couldn't unscrew the stem cap to put air in! I was so mad!
I was really looking forward to riding my bike! I took a walk instead and went for a swim (when I say I went for a swim, I actually just floated in the pool and then sat in the jacuzzi).
Today, I will do something very physically demanding, like maybe I will kick my legs a little while I float! Just kidding! I am planning a full body workout.

Open RNY 7/14/2005
Hi Erin,
When I was getting ready for Plastic Surgery, I trained like a body builder. I thought my PT was nuts. You don't take someone like me that shuffled from the couch to the fridge and train like a body builder. But for the best outcome in PS if you can get your body fat low and add muscle it just ROCKS.
So, when I was done training I had the bod of a PT but you couldn't see it for all the skin. I can't tell you what that felt like. Needless to say I was laid up most of last year and lost it all. I want to try and get back to that again, but without my trainer.
So if you see my post, don't think of it as OMG that lady is nuts, look at it as if she can do it so can I.
Grrrr, get that bike fixed ok? See you tomorrow!!!
Take care,
Sexy and Sassy checking in here
It's the Strong part that I am working on!!!
Anyway, Kathy, have you ever done the Body For Life Program? Can you share a little about what weight lifting in general has done for you and your physical appearance.
All I have done so far to move my body is move my free weight set around! That's a start though! I have two toddlers and the gym I did belong to does have a nursery but it is pretty spendy and I am going to be working out at home until they are in preschool in the fall.
Thanks in advance!

Hi Molly,
Well I was just telling Erin, I happen on this by accident. My PT knew about my up coming Plastic Surgeries and he said we are going to train you like a body builder. I was cracking up...yea me a body builder. We wanted to have a low body fat and more muscle for the surgeries. My PS loved it.
I trained for 6 months and the good news was I ended up with 10.1% body fat. The bad news was you couldn't see to much from the skin. I took some pictures of me the night before my surgery trying to show my buff legs and arms but it was hard trying to pull back the skin.
I lost most of last year healing, so now I want to try and get back there on my own. My advice is to take it slow. I take it you are ok with weight and such and just want to get strong right?
You want to work different body parts at a time. And then let them rest for a day or two. Women don't build massive muscles. We just get lean and sleek... oh poo... Let me see if I can scan some stuff and email it to you. PM me with your email address ok?
Take care,
Okay - it might not sound like much - cleaning the bathroom, washing/folding a load of laundry and watering the plants on the front porch. But add those @%#! crutches into the mix and it makes for quite a work-out!
Also, flexed and stretched the bad ankle, so that should count a little!!!
Getting stronger every day!
Thanks for the motivation, gang!!