Dr.'s update....everything's OK.....after 16 years!!!
Hi everyone,
I've been busy the past 3 months. I did post back then whining about gaining weight and not knowing how or why, since I had maintained for so many years and suddenly started gaining about 5 yrs ago. I gained from my lowest of 167 up to 215 in March of this year. Mind you, I did have 2 children after having my stomach stapled and tummy tuck, so I guess someting was going to change anyways. My highest weight day of surgery was 245 LBS.
Well, I just visited my doctor and she said my upper GI xray came back showing my staples are all in proper place, the food goes down to my pouch properly, it slides through the stoma correctly and the pouch is the right size for this many years out. (I just can't believe that everything is still in original order this many years later, I did have problems with extreme vomiting with flu's and thought for sure I messed something up inside), but nope....all is ok.
Now.....so why did I gain weight? I let my guard down.....PERIOD! Live and learn I guess. I gained a little with each pregnancy and after the 2nd child I just didn't lose, but was too busy to worry about an excess of 20lbs, but as time went by, I started grazing instead of taking time to eat properly, and the old habits came back, I recently (February) found myself eating a full bag of cheesies when I wasn't even hungry, just eating because it was something to do.
I developed a sweet tooth and would daily have cakes or squares with my tea....without taking notice of the damage. I ate along with my husband and he doesn't gain weight, he's about 132 lbs., This is when it started, I wanted to eat and live like he can.
It all came to a halt in March, when I got on the scale and found I was only 30lbs away from my largest before my surgery! It wouldn't take long at the rate I was going to be a total failure with this surgery.
I jumped on board and completely educated myself, learned my problems, habits and figured out what I needed to change.
I joined SparkesPeople's website and began following a routine there for small goals. It helped me know how many calories I needed and how many I had to burn.
My doctor tells me my metabolism is extremely slow, and considering how slow it was 16 yrs ago, it will be a battle all up hill for me. She counselled me on getting over expecting fast results, that phase ended 15 years ago and was my honeymoon period. I can only expect to lose like anyone else non-op about 1-2 lbs/week and stay healthy.
I'm ok with this now, I just wish I was educated on the fact that even though I don't eat large quantities, I will still gain if I don'****ch my calorie intake. When I look back at the stuff I was eating, I think I was probably eating around 2500-3000/day........OMG! It wasn't a lot of food that fooled me, it was the very high calorie/fat totals. I was eating easy foods and smothering my meals with gravy to make the swallowing easier for me. ---I got lazy.
I have had to take a "time-out" not like the one on here, but re-arrange my eating skills. I started chewing and tolerating tough foods. And not drinking during meals. I also stopped eating soups and stews....or other soft, easy foods. (by avoiding dense meals, I wasn't staying "full, ...thus the grazing".)
So here I am today, starting a new journey. I've lost 20 LBS in 14 weeks, and lost a total of 19 inches off my body. I'm down 3 sizes in pants from a 19 to a size 16. I feel healthier, am exercising almost daily. Haven't eaten any potato chips, cakes, cookies, diet pop, or any other junk food. I'm not killing myself on a "strict" diet, just eating healthier at around 1200-1400 calories/day.
I'm now at the point I so longed for. I again, only EAT TO LIVE, not LIVE TO EAT!
It will take time, but I know following the pouch rules and disciplining myself, I will again lose that regain plus more. 16 years later, I will finish this journey for weight loss. I kept my old leather pants that my husband bought me after surgery (size 10), and they will fit me again soon!
I just wanted to write this to help others who are grads.....to let you know, to be careful, don't let your guard down, it's a lifetime commitment....I didn't realize that, unfortunately, I was stupid to think once I lost the weight, I would become a "normal" person and eat like "everyone else".
That will never happen, but I can and will lose this weight. I'm a 38 yr woman, and have lots of time left to do this.
Thanks for letting me write such a long story here....hope I give someone out there inspiration....to know that Obesity Surgery is worth every moment and it does work!!!
My next weight loss goal is to weigh 185 by the end of July. (10 lbs)
Take care,
16 yrs out,.......and Back To Basics!
Was: 245 lbs (Day of Surgery 1991)
Original loss: 78 lbs (wt: 167 lbs)
Recent 4 yr gain: 48lbs (wt: 215 lbs)
Goal: 165 lbs, Ideal weight: 138 lbs

Was: 245 lbs (Day of Surgery 1991)
Original loss: 78 lbs (wt: 167 lbs)
Recent 4 yr gain: 48lbs (wt: 215 lbs)
Goal: 165 lbs, Ideal weight: 138 lbs

Thanks Molly for your kind words.
Yes, we ARE all so much alike. I'm glad there's a website like OH to come here and share our thoughts and lessons.
16 yrs out,.......and Back To Basics!
Was: 245 lbs (Day of Surgery 1991)
Original loss: 78 lbs (wt: 167 lbs)
Recent 4 yr gain: 48lbs (wt: 215 lbs)
Goal: 165 lbs, Ideal weight: 138 lbs

Was: 245 lbs (Day of Surgery 1991)
Original loss: 78 lbs (wt: 167 lbs)
Recent 4 yr gain: 48lbs (wt: 215 lbs)
Goal: 165 lbs, Ideal weight: 138 lbs

WOW - what a great post! I have no doubt you'll reach your goals - in the near-term and the long-term. I'm just going on 2 years out and this serves as a kick in the pants for me - its easy to get lazy and let the old habits creep back in, so I thank you. We have to remember "back to basics" and get our protein, water, exercise, vitamins, etc! Hope to hear from you in July with good news!
Don't know if I'm allowed to write the link but it is: www.sparkpeople.com
16 yrs out,.......and Back To Basics!
Was: 245 lbs (Day of Surgery 1991)
Original loss: 78 lbs (wt: 167 lbs)
Recent 4 yr gain: 48lbs (wt: 215 lbs)
Goal: 165 lbs, Ideal weight: 138 lbs

Was: 245 lbs (Day of Surgery 1991)
Original loss: 78 lbs (wt: 167 lbs)
Recent 4 yr gain: 48lbs (wt: 215 lbs)
Goal: 165 lbs, Ideal weight: 138 lbs