Good Morning To All: I DID IT. I started the TIME OUT yesterday. I had 3 protein drinks and drank crystal lite and water the remainder of the time along with taking my vitamins. I have a couple of questions: (1) I assume it's fine to have a loose/watery bowel when we start this program. Could someone let me know. (2) I know that the 3 protein drinks per day along with crystal lite and water is done for the first 2 weeks. I need to know just what is to be done after that first two weeks. Do I continue with the same schedule as the 1st two week, do I add one small meal in replacement of 1 protein drink? I need to know what I need to do and for how long. I'm feeling great and I have confidence I can do this. My real test is that I'm currently taking my husband for back surgery tomorrow and am planning to move in the next month or so if all goes well. That it stressful and will be a great test for me. I'm going to do this!!!!!! I've regained 40 lbs. Went from 420 to 260 and am now approaching the 300 mark. This is to stop - with the TIME OUT PLAN. I look forward to hearing from you regarding my questions as shown above. Thanks. Kathy P. 6/13/07