6 days of TIME OUT 10 pounds lost!

Hey there Becky!
That is so awesome. I had no idea you were almost at a 200 lb loss Remarkable, truly remarkable!
I'm glad you are BOT with your BOD! Me too and isn't it awesome? I also attended a support group last night for the first time ever and it was very helpful.
Huge hugs and yay us (insert cheerleader emotiocon here!)
Go get'm Kathy! You can totally do this. I soooooooooooooooo wish I was going with you to Mackinac Island. I have never been there. But, my mom is from Michigan and talks about girlhood stories from there. It isn't as hard as it seems just keep SELF TALKING through the snack/carb attacks! I have gone as far as putting my hand on the item. Then I just think to myself "God, I can't do this without You! PLEASE help me!" And then I put it down. Plus, I really DO want to get BOT with my BOD!!! So, hats off to you success! Have a great day~