Did You Move To Lose Today? LET'S GET MOVIN!!!!!
I have been working out on a regular basis since March. I have worked out off and on for 6 years. I hate the thought of working out and I b*tch and moan the whole time (to myself), but I am really glad I do it. I hate cardio, but love weight training. So, it's a love/hate routine it do!
I was going to work out in my home gym today, but I really need a break from it. I am going to do what you suggested and go for a nice long bike ride. Maybe I should pull out the old Taebo tapes oh, wait...I don't have a VHS anymore! Never mind!
Thanks for the encouragement!
Does trying to get around on crutches count?!?!?!
The initial thought of being immobile for 8-10 weeks scared
the daylights out of me, but I'm happy to report that the scale has dropped considerably due to the effort required to maneauver around on crutches without killing myself or anything/anyone in my path!
I'll beTHRILLED to get back in the gym!! My lower half needs it!!
Three weeks down and a (mere) five more to go - Lordy, give me strength!!
Hi Kristi,
I am soooo sorry to hear this, but that being said. My doctor told me once that walking around on crutches was a great cardio workout and helps with the upper body strength!
There are a lot of things you can do sitting with bands that will keep your lower body going. Please as the doctor first and or if you are doing PT, then ask them to show you some stuff you can do sitting. If you have a cast, the weight alone will be a great way to do leg lifts...
BUT again, check with your doctor first as I am not there with you :-)
Please check in and keep us posted!! You are an inspiration for us....not giving up, and still movin and losin!!!
Take care,
Kathy I love your post.Some people think that the pouch will take care of everything and everyone on this broad.Everyone knows that it takes time and alot of work.The pouch is a very small part the rest is up to everyone else.
Everyone keep up the good work and you will have sucess in your life.........bob
Hi Bob,
Thank you so much for posting and say hi!! You are so right, and while the weight comes off at first, if we don't learn to eat right and exercise during the honeymoon we are in big trouble getting to goal and keeping it off!!
It's so hard as we have come full circle have we not? WE spend our entire lives being told it's all about eating right and exercising and we have our ears covered and say nanananana. The surgery saved my life and there is no way I would have been able to do it without the surgery.
That being said, I knew this was my LAST chance... I want to try and help others see it's a 2 part deal and not give up!
Please come here often as we want the guys to join us!!!!
Take care,
Hey Kathy!
I loved reading through your profile! I am so happy ou posted this. Working out is the missing link for me a lot of times and I seem to go in fits and starts and need to find some consistency. I want to get to the point with my workouts that I need to EAT MORE not less to be healthy!
Anyway, today I just moved my free weights up from my garage. So far I only needed the 3, 5 and 10 dumbell sets. As I get stronger I will bring up the heavier ones. Also, I have one of those big therapy balls. I am kind of in between gyms right now and am not sure where to join but know I need to be doing something so...I better go do it right now and then I will report back. I am just using a Body For Life type workout with simple dumbells and looking to tone and build muscle.
Staying Strong, Sexy and Sassy here even if it's just in my head...that's where it all starts!

Hi Molly,
I need to get that profile updated UGH!!!
I hear in your post you are ready to get serious (not that you were not before) and really get this going. Working out at home is fine if you have had the training to know what to do and how. Form is everything......
If you are getting ready to join a gym go and visit several to get a feel for them. Also, if you have a support group or a bunch of friends and neighbors do it as a group. This is a blast and keeps you honest!!! Don't sign a long term contract! There are to many now that let you do it month by month....
If you can, getting a personal trainer to get you started is also a great way to kick it up.
We are going to expect to see ya here and keep us updated. You sharing your adventure in finding a gym may inspire others to do the same and learn through your experience.
Take care,
Ok, you have my attention. I have not done a spin class but it looks like it ROCKS... I see people coming out looking like the went swimming.. I need to try one, I need to try one... Do they have the stretcher near by just in case?
Be sure and do your weight training before cardio
When you do your weight training try and break it down to different body parts. Like one time do lower body, squats, lunges, leg presses and such. Then maybe do arms, chest and back the next time. Abs and core another. This way you give them time to heal and increase in mass. If you are not sore the next day or two then you need to up the reps and or weight...
Good luck and awesome job!! Please keep us posted on your workout and how you are doing!!!
Take care,