Did You Move To Lose Today? LET'S GET MOVIN!!!!!
Kathy, I haven't seen anyone do posts specifically about this important issue. So I feel it is a great idea and thanks for posting because this is one area I am struggleing with.
Today I did some cardio and used my bands for my arms. I have been negligant over the past several weeks but started back yesterday to get back on track. Sher

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)

Been busy, stressed, etc. Had 4 surgeries since 12/27 and having one more in 2 weeks. Had breast cancer. Luckily no radiation, no chemo, no hormones - just surgeries. The physical therapy is for disc problems in lower back. Had back surgery 5 weeks prior to WLS 2 years ago and the discs have compressed some more. I'm better than I was a few weeks ago but definitely not where I want to be. Take care, Kathy

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)

I have to admit I’ve been a slacker in the exercise department for a while due to some health problem. Until this week the most exercise I’ve been able to do on a regular basis is yoga, which I really enjoy. Well this week I finally felt strong enough to start adding other activities back into my routine. Monday I went to the gym where I did about 15 min on the bike to warm up, then did about 45 minutes of strength training, and then participated in a 1 ½ hour yoga class. Needless to say my body was rebelling a bit yesterday so I took it easy and road my bike on the trail for about 45 minutes. I really enjoyed the bike ride regardless of the high heat and humidity here. Today will probably be a rest day because I’ll be having an MRI after work and I’ll be sedated for that procedure so when I get home I’ll probably be to loopy to try exercising anything but my recliner and the remote control.
Thanks for starting this post Kathy.