I'M with you sister!!! the evenings are the worst for me! I'm 2 years out and i have not taught my self how not to do the pm eating! Lately i have been trying to bike after work, shower and then have a later light supper and go to bed!! We have to remember we have a tool, it has taken me a long time to work through all the joys of WLS but learing maintanace is the hardest. all my life i have lost weight but never learned how to keep it off. The pm eating is the hardest. Maybe thin people juat live by nothing to eat after 8pm. tonight if the eating demons chase me I will just go to bed!!
Penny, you are reading my mind!
I did so well yesterday.. kept my journal, right on track with calories, worked out hard and then... here comes the night! I feel like I totally blew it. I remember these same feelings of late-night sabotage from my previous life at 300 pounds and I can't BELIEVE I'm doing it all over again.
I live alone and I find the dogs don't seem to judge my 11pm fridge raids. I need accountability!!!
I was dealing with that myself last night, I posted about what I was trying to use, which was dill pickles. You never hear about anyone really overdoing it, certainly not gaining wt on dill pickles. Plus, once having eaten them, it really would change the taste of anything else you might want to eat. Just a little trick to try.