Back on Track Tips and Tricks Pls Chime In oh wise ones!!!

I had totally forgotten about those Wasa crackers. See? That is what this thread is all about. I used to make the shrimp salad recipe out of Susan Maria's book and eat them with wasa crackers as you have described. I am so glad you reminded me of them! I often need a "carrier" for my good food. Chips, fluffy bread and the like just are a gateway food to worse carb cravings but these crackers are much better. Thanks! Molly
Well for me I track my food at and I usually do make my menu's out at least a day in advanced, that way when I wake up in the morning to make my lunch..the guess work is gone. I already know I'll be within my calorie range and it makes my day easier. I also swear by Supper Solutions. It's this place that you can go to and make all your dinners for the whole month and then freeze them. They have a small version which is 3 servings for me. So I eat these meals for lunch and dinner every day. I love it, I get a lot of variety, most their meals are high in protein and pretty good for you in general. So that's what get's me through.. (I also am a starbucks addict...I know every low fat/low calorie drink on their menu...)