~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Tracy, Dr. Warnock uses it for longer times to help you get back to your desired weight and then on the short term to help you maintain that weight. I have been on it for 5 weeks (adding salad after two weeks) and am doing great. I still have another 20 pounds to lose and then will I will use it as a tool to maintain my loss. I think it's important for each of us to evaluate our eating habits and speak with our doctors about what is best for us. Patty
on 6/11/07 6:59 pm - fort worth, TX
Patty, I love your post and could not have said it better. This is a tool. I have been on the Time Out since 6/4/07 and have lost 14 pounds. It has made me totally aware of what I am putting in my mouth and that we need to have a food plan. I have already started to make my menu of what I will eat for meals, so when I am hungry I will NOT grab the first thing around and eat it, which most of time is Junk food cause they are already prepared. Thank-you so much once again Patty. Laura