Help!! PS & Insurance (Long)
Please help!! 18 months out and never “at goal” but all drs are happy; I was a Lightweight, and I’m stable for 9 months at a good weight, size 12 petite, etc. Lots of hanging skin, pannus, pubus, , facial, actually everywhere but looking for TT.
Problem: job didn’t work out (BCBS), on husband’s insurance (Aetna HMO), and waiting for new job’s insurance in August (United Healthcare Choice Plus).
Went to PS and applied for insurance with pix and med history of rashes, discomfort,etc. and was denied (not surprised since they are denying more and more but still hopeful) for “Not medical necessity, need to have lost 100 lbs and I only have at 80, pannus must hang over pubus and doesn’t in pix, and not enough rashes.
Question is I paid for cobra to apply and can apply for coverage on other 2 insurances although I had more faith in the BCBS system but cobra is $450/mo.
What is your history? Should I invest in cobra for an appeal or just go to the next insurance company. I must admit I’m worried since I had almost 3 years of insurance companies and submissions to have the WLS. I really can’t afford to keep paying for cobra if I’m just going to make myself crazy and not have this covered anyway.
Please help with advice, histories, etc. I’m very confused and all the job changes and insurance complexities don’t help. Should I just let the BCBS go and keep going? Is BCBS the best outlet? What experiences are out there?
Can't advise on your specific insurance plans or cobra, but I can advise to stop using the words "plastic surgery." So stop that, girl! **Smiling** To my knowledge, insurance companies never cover plastic surgery. What they "sometimes" will cover are "reconstructive surgeries" when deemed medically necessary." I suggest you get "detailed copies, often found online of each and every applicable insurance plan and seek out their specific requirements and or exclusions. Have you appealed? Insurance companies routinely deny reconstructive procedures even when medically necessary. Appealing those denials up the ladder is often required for success. You might check out the plastic surgey board here on OH for those you have successfully won their appeals. Good luck! Rock ------------- Never agree to plastic surgery if the doctor's office is full of Picasso's portraits. ;-) ~ Anonymous