Regain after DS?
Hi all,
I got the RNY 5 months ago so I'm new and trying to learn how to avoid regain from you guys.
Question - my friend got the DS a couple of years ago and went from a 26 to a 2. She eats everything and she says there are no reprocussions .. but lately (maybe I'm wrong) she seems to have gained a few pounds.
I thought her kind of surgery - though extreme - would ensure no regain at all .. but now I'm thinking not.
What do you think?
Surgeon, Dr. Dillemans - Belgium
This stands in stark contrast to an RNY. Typical failure rates with regain with long-term RNYs approaches 30% or more on average and a recent study for those starting with BMIs of 50 or more demonstrate failure rates of 40% or more long-term. It's seems of late we are having a ton of other WLS post-ops, hardly exclusive to the RNY, seeking information over on the DS board asking about "revisions to a DS."
It always pleases me to see so many RNY success stories here and elsewhere reaching and maintaining goal, but I personally know of none that don't really have to work at it quite willfully and with considerable due diligence. As such they are my HEROES because they have shared with me on how much they work their tools usually in concert with a strenuous physical regiment of exercise for their continued success.
Indeed, I feel almost guilty now at nearly four years post-op from my DS. I only engage in light to moderate exercise and eat like a horse. But for food stuffs which I didn't tolerate well perioperatively, I have never restricted what I eat including carbs. Since reaching goal I'm always up or down maybe 5 to 8 lbs., either side of goal weight, but I've never had to worry about dieting again. We DS'rs can eat normal size meals and drink at the same time. It's been wonderful and effort free as I sometimes forget I had the surgery until I look in the mirror. Personally, I don't believe in diets and I never imagined I could stick to one required by that of other post-op WLS surgery types. I always get my required protein in and after that everything else is gravy, oftentimes literally. **Smiling** That said, should regain ever become an issue for yours truly, I would have no problem limiting carbs somewhat. Technically, we're suppose to do that anyway, but I have just never had to. Guess I am just one of the lucky ones to date. Rock
Whomever told you that no weight regain is possible with DS was in error. It's just that it more often minimal at best. Hey, I didn't make up the data. The DS consistently outranks other weight loss surgeriy types in both the amount of weight loss and sustaining the greatest amount of weight loss over time. There exist considerable scientific reproducible studies that show this consistently.
You needn't take my word on this and who could blame you. Do a search over on PubMed and see for yourself. If offers a worldwide searchable database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and other data bases.
Best of luck with your queries.

Me thinks thou protests too much.
I also think it's interesting that you are now in an argument with yourself about your own data because I'm not argueing with you. Duh!
The reason I answered like I did was because I wasn't interested in hearing yet another rah rah session about the DS wls.
I just decided to say something polite and wait for someone else to reply.
Geesh, I don't know why every discussion on this board that involves a DSer has replies that go over the top like this. Surely I can't be the only one that has noticed this?
I just asked about regain.
Too bad I can't remove my post completely. :(
Surgeon, Dr. Dillemans - Belgium
Thanks for the info.
From what I've read 20% of all wls (from lapband to DS) have signifigant regain. (This is still better than 90% of the people on conventional wls regaining. Much better.:) )
I have another friend who had the lapband and after 2 years she's gained a lot back. This is mainly because she really does eat a lot or chocolate and cake etc. She can't stop herself. :(
My friend that has the DS eats what she wants but she doesn't eat healthy foods so now at 2 years out - because of the malabsorption ... she has some serious nutrional problems. She's now seeing an endrocrinologist (sp?) trying to get healthy again.
But she had a very high BMI. Mine was 39 when I decided on wls so a DS was definitely not indicated - but in the intervening months before my wls .. I ate everything in sight :) and raised my BMI to 41. Oh well ... food.
Surgeon, Dr. Dillemans - Belgium