I'm Back on Track...who's with me???
Ya, dontcha know! I am a native of South Dakota. However, I am in the process of moving to Arkansas! Toss those two accents together and who KNOWS what I'll sound like!! And yes, I do tend to make the long "OH" sound that people think of when then think of South DakOHHHtans! Giggling!~
Laina, I feel like me and you are friends already. I too am the mommy to two young kids and it is so hard to find that new "normal". My youngest was 9 months when I had surgery and my oldest 18 mos. Now they are 3 and 4. I am very active in MOPS support group as well as friends with tons of moms who have the same struggle you do...taking time for yourself (exercise, ect) It is really hard to do sometimes. From the moment you wake up (and all night at times) there are precious little people tugging at you, needing your attention and you give it wholeheartedly with no reservation but it is exhausting! We give and give until it is time for them to go to bed. I TOTALLY do the same thing almost everynight. Then once they are in bed I always would eat a bag of microwave popcorn and a bunch of water. If it was a night that DH was feeling frisky I would drink a pot of coffee or make a Starbucks run to wake up enough to show him some affection! I would always reward myself with food like you said. Well, like you said NO EXCUSES but this is a toughy! I feel the same way and have been totally lax in working out/walking, ect What time do your sweeties go to bed? I might have an idea!
I actually work full time too. But I KNOW that a full time mom job is harder than what I do! Going to work is a BREAK. I have a friend who is a stay at home mom - I got her a mother's day card that said:
I thought about being a stay at home mom... until I found out the kids would be there too!!!
I adore my children - but I wouldn't be a good stay at home mom!!!! You have my utmost respect and admiration!!!
Daughter goes down about 8:00. Son not until 9 or 9:30. After 8:00, I have more time and it's quieter. That is when my neighbor and I walk, about 8:00. We'll see how it works out during the week. What is your idea???