on 6/7/07 12:34 pm - Solon, OH

OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 6/7/07 1:23 pm - Lake Orion, MI
Yep, I've been watching.  I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.  The information is interesting, but I think they are exploiting the 600 plus guy a little too much for my taste.  Some personal things about him we just don't need to know.  Interesting about how they blame the mother for helping him gain weight.  There may be some truth to it, but no one gets that heavy without some major medical or psychiological issues.  I wish they had a therapist working with him too. Just my thoughts Dana from Michigan
on 6/7/07 10:25 pm - Solon, OH
I thought that lady therapist on the show was working with! I am interested to see how it ends with him though!

OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

Ruby R.
on 6/7/07 9:17 pm
I wish they would show more 'smaller' people.  The big guy needed help and I am glad he got it, but there are a lot of people out here that are not that big who need to see such shows about their size.
on 6/7/07 10:24 pm - Solon, OH
I agree with you on that one, they did show that young 22 year old girl who had a lower body lift, she weighed 230lb, but yes, hopefully they will show more "normal" size obese people.

OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 6/7/07 11:23 pm
Aside from the big guy, they make this surgery appear to be an easy way out.  They show  a women who is 400 pounds the first week who hates sex because she is fat.  You don't see any of her recovery, none of the problems that come along with this surgery....nothing!  They next scene it shows her in is in bars drinking, hanging out with her friends, and all these guys now flirting with her, and she is now enjoying sex.  Is that a real picture?  And what about the girls with the PS?  They go from surgery straight to wearing bikinis!   I had a TT, BA/BL last year, then a thigh, arm lift this year, and recovery was no picnic, and I am not going to wear a bikini!  For a reality show, it shows little reality.  After saying all that, I do watch the show, and will continue to hope they will show more reality of GB.  I was glad to see more of the actual surgery room proceedures though.
on 6/7/07 11:25 pm - Solon, OH
You make a good point there Monique!

OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 6/9/07 11:37 am - Solon, OH
The other thing that annoyed me was the face that the girl was drinking alchohol, I thought that was an absolute no-no after surgery

OH Support Group Leader
My local support group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month - please message me for further information

We are on a continuous journey without a destination

on 6/8/07 8:39 am
Monique you are SO RIGHT, I am watching the show and I like it in some ways, but the quick and easy is VERY unrealistic. The couple who have their last hurrah supper, surgery, then right to 60 lb wt loss and living life!  No prep work, no post op, no transitions.  Who WOULDN"T run out and have GBP in that case?? And that woman who was pushing 400 and hated sex, then her BF is gone, what was with that? Was there some association? Who would know since they skipped right over it. And one thing that aggravated me was when she said, "I can't wait to get skinny."  Are you KIDDING me??? How unrealistic is that? I wouldn't even approve the surgery if I had a client whose goal what to "get skinny." 
on 6/9/07 1:59 pm - Houston, TX
I think what you might be looking for is not what you are going to find on that show.  I've seen more in depth programs on WLS on the Discovery Health Channel.  This program is only 13 episodes long and it's more of a before and after, then and now type of show.  
"It's all about moderation, not deprivation"..........Shawna
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