My conclusion on Time Out and a discussion hopefully!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Hello Tracy!
Yes, the time out thing really did help me. It gave me a chance to think about a lot of things as well as lose a few pounds and give me a renewed focus on me and why I do what I do. So, no regrets really just makes me sad I am so extreme in my behavior througout life! I'm getting better starting today .
I will be on this forum for the long haul as well as support meetings in real life. Thanks so much for your response and feedback. IT means so much to me!!!

Molly: Having read your post, I am wondering, is it possible you could be bi polar, or maybe obssessive/compulsive?? I don't mean to offend, but with the big swings just a thought? Have you discussed it with a therapist or Dr? Just wondering if maybe some meds would help you to find a happy medium with things in your life? You know most of us have some o/c and addiction issues or we wouldn't have needed wls!! Good luck!! DeeAnn R