? B12 shot costs
As you all know I started B12 shots a few weeks ago, sublingual wasn't enough. Anyway, I got my EOB the other day and the cost for shots was $165.00. WHAT??? I thought they were relatively cheap. Can I get the B12 over the counter and give myself shots or do I need an rx? I know I have to have them so am kinda stuck.
Rhonda, your insurance didn't cover it? I agree, that seems steep. I wonder how much of the cost is the medication itself, and how much is the cost of the office to give it to you. If the shot itself is cheap and you know any nurses, they could help you out if you had a prescription, or you could give it yourself. It's not that hard, though it is an IM injection (not subcutaneous like insulin) so you have to go in deeper, with a bigger needle.
Unfortunately, though, I don't think it's available OTC.
How often do you have to get them? And yeah, you are "stuck". Get it? Stuck. Like with a needle?? Okay, yeah, lame attempt at humor (nurse's humor at that). I just couldn't resist. I hope you can find a cheaper alternative to $165. That could really add up. :(
Good luck!
Since rny 7/7/04 I have always used Nascobal.....a nasal b12. I use it once a week. The ins. covers it, but I pay $50.00 for a 2 mo. supply. My doc. prefers it because it maintains a more constant level. My blood work always comes back great! Might check with you dr. and see.....
Good Luck
You have to have a Rx for B-12. A year's supply of med and syringes costs less than $20.00. Your doctors office should be able to train you in how to give yourself an injectionor be able to teach someone else to do it. There's nothing to it. Ask them, if not ,find a nurse to teach you. Hope this helps. carol
Wow - that is a heck of alot of money!!
I use to get a RX from my DR but the pharmacy would only give me 10 refills in a small bottle (that way I had to come back and pay another copay), sooooo I now order mine from Canada - NO RX NEEDED - same EXACT thing, even the same bottle as what I was getting here in Florida. Plus, it was only 18.00 with shipping and that was for a 30mL bottle - or 30 doses. I believe its called globaldrugs.com....but I can get the actual website if you want it.
Remember, if you get a Rx from your Dr you will need a Rx for the needles too!!!
Good luck!!
I get the prescription from my doc. I was an insulin-using diabetic and have many needles remaining, so I have figured out the dosage and use those. My surgeon says B-12 can be injected in the muscle or subcutaneously, which is what the insulin needles do. My numbers are always good.
Total cost for a year, using every 2 weeks, is $15 without syringes.
Barb If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
- Mary Engelbreit