never been here
i guess im considered a grad ....... i am approaching my surgiversary i had rny on july 9th 2004... so technically im 3 yrs old... i cant express how happy i am to have had this surgery or given this precious tool...... im happy to say that almost 3 yrs out my tool still works and im still very aware of what i put into my mouth ... i still follow the protien first rule and i still follow the no drinking while eating rule ....... i have only had past 5 times in the last 3 yrs and i havent touched soda in that time either..... the rules they give us when we first have this surgery are not to punish but to ensure that we get the maximum results from this tool that we were blessed with... i have lost a total of 110 lbs out of the 101 i had to lose and i have never been happier....i still try to attend support groups and have held some in my home.... i believe support is very important in order to a continued success.. remember they dont do brain surgery just on your stomach and if we dont follow what they say we wont have successes... i am looking forward to getting to know all of you and will try to post more...... it was also suggested to me to get a hobby and that has worked ...i took up planting and love to watch my veggies and flowers time to snack while mowing the lawn he he he ok enough rambling out of me take care all and GOD BLESS
Good morning Stacy! Congratulations on your success and staying on track for so long. Your words are so true and touched my heart this morning.
I'm at my 2nd year anniversary and support is where it is at! I love this board and everyone who has come here and shared their post WLS experiences - trials and tribulations as well as success stories. No one else knows what we are going through our daily lives, other than post op WLS patients.
Again, congratulations on your continued success!
Best Wishes,