Non-Timeout roll call!!
10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery 9/25/2002 260/134 if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks

~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
4 years post op and 1/2 the person I was...
Mom to 5
Teacher to Many
Out to change the World
I am not following the time out plan. I am tracking my food and exercise daily and am slowly losing about 2-4 lbs a month.
Too funny. No, I'm not on the Time Out either, though, I've posted that I believe it does work (due to being on liquids after an intestinal hernia repair about 7 months post-op). Being on all liquids definitely made my pouch the point that I accused my surgeon of making it smaller while he had me opened up, LOL. Anyway, I am struggling with the last 10 pounds, but, just got some news that may explain some things. My thyroid is still off (hypothyroid), so I have been placed on pure synthroid, no generics.... an unbelievable amount (300 micrograms) says my doctor, but, we'll see if the thyroid problem was causing the weight to stick. If I don't budge in the next 6 weeks, you'll find me signing up for a time out. grrrrrr Karen