Time-outers, Sunday hello
I didn't see a thread started and thought I'd start one.
How's the Sunday going for everyone. This is the first Sunday in my time-out so far. Sundays are hard with all the wonderful food in the parish hall after church. Today was a fried chicken and cold salad picnic. It was a great turn out and I am just sip sipping away. Everyone was asking, "don't you want to get in line?" That makes me feel guilty as I am staff there and try to participate fully. I just said, oh I am not feeling the greatest this week and trying to lay low with food.(they know I have had the surgery)
My Nectar came just in time yesterday. I was sippin the Carribean Cooler for dinner. That is by far my favorite. I mixed it in the blender with a lot of ice and it was just like a pina colada smoothie. See, we do get treats too! Who would of ever thought I'd say a protein shake was a treat, but the nectars are darn good.
So, how'd today go for the rest? Looking forward to reading your thoughts tonight before bed!
Hi Rachael!
Well, I am doing well today too. I didn't update on my progress but am really feeling great!
It is day 8 for me and am down 8 pounds. I am also sucking on a shake or water alllll day without feeling hungry at all. I truly feel that it comes from staying fuller from the protein, liquids and also from staving off my sugar that I was so addicted to before.
Today I was able to contact a friend of mine who used the same surgeon I did. He had great success with his liquid diet and lost 14 pounds in a week (gotta love men!). Anyway, he said he did regain the weight (this was a few months ago) and now has gone back to basics of using his tool and working out consistantly. Next Friday when I am done with this liquid diet I already have a plan of attack to keep it all in check and will tell you about it then but I am still really excited about this and plan to stick with it yet be very proactive when I start solids again.
Thanks for the shout out!
Hello all,
I'm startingT.O. tomorrow. I got the Caribbean Cooler Nectar yesterday and tried it this morning. Didn't like it at all so I took it back and got the Lemon Tea which I've had before and at least know I can drink better than that Caribbean Cooler. A lot of folks seem to like the CCooler flavor, but I found it really difficult to drink. Then I had a funny after taste.
I'm a bit nervous about starting. I just don't want to mess it up. I think this will be great for me to start monitoring myself again and not being so "free" with what I eat. I need some self-discipline and I think this is a great way to start. Anyway, take care all!!
Jess in Maryland

Looks like you are doing great! I have been just so amazed with how I am not hungry. It's amazing. I am still thinking of how I am going to ease back into the world of food. I guess I really have to think of what a good menu would be for a post op this far out. That would be a good goal to shoot for. I think I will still stick with shakes for breakfast for sure. I am so glad I actually LIKE the shakes. I don't know...I have just been so nervous about starting at the hospital tomorrow that I haven't given after time-out much thought.
Have a good week to everyone on time-out, I won't be posting as often, but I will try to catch this post each day.
Hi Rachael. Today is my first Sunday too on the Time Out Plan. I've been great today.
Breakfast was hazelnut AchievOne
Lunch was fuzzy navel nectar protein
Dinner will be another fuzzy navel nectar protein.
I did have one beef bouillion cube drink and coffee with skim milk and FF hazelnut creamer.
It's been a great liquid day for me...
Good luck everyone!
I have to say today was harder for me having been home instead of work all day. I had to feed the kids throughout the day and just had opportunity to be around and in and out of the foodstuffs all day. Plus I think the smell of cooking food allllllllll day got my motor running down that road. I was cooking corned beef and cabbage, which is protein and green, but just the olfactory stimulation (smell) kept my mind on "what can I eat?", even if Iwas considering broth or a cheese stick, I just wanted to eat! What WAS good is that I used my coping skills and focused on even if it something good for me (broth, cheese stick) I do not want to eat something JUST to eat something. I kept the ice cold CL present and sipped fully when I got those urges. And get this! I had an overripe banana that needed to go, and I made banana nut muffins for the kids. I managed to do this, NOT eat them, and enjoy what I gave to my son and a couple for the elderly neighbor. I am again working on a strategy I tried to employ prior to surgery when I considered what I enjoy about food and separating that out. I enjoy the site, then it is nice to LOOK at something and appreciate that. I like the smell, then it is a nice experience to smell the food and enjoy THAT in and of itself. I try to separate that out from eating/tasting. If you say you cannot do that, then think about a nice looking guy, you can certainly enjoy looking, but you don't automatically have sex with him! So you do not have to automatically eat the food. I am not saying it is not a challenge, I am saying it is not automatic.
So today was more food based for me, but I did not eat just to eat, which was a good thing...
protien shake
4oz steak
protein shake
4oz corned beef and some cabbage
lge iced coffee
diet lime jello
You crack me up!!
I'm very proud of you overcoming your urges so well!! I live with just myself and BF so I don't have kids to cook for. I can only imagine how difficult that is when you have to prepare food for them and go shoppign for them...uggghhh...it must be 100 times harder than for me!!
But, I wanted to congratulate you on the excellent job you did yesterday controlling your intake!! Keep up the good work!