Protein Drink/Nausea?
Hi all. I am doing a modified version of the Time Out. All is going well, in fact down 10 pounds since Friday Morning. I have having a bit of a problem though. I have never really done protein drinks, it was not something my doctor suggested (before the revision). Well now I am giving them a go. Problem is I have been very nauseaus this weekend. It seems to get worse after I have a protein drink. What do you suppose it is? Could it be not getting enough water? Saturday is when it all started and I really pushed the water that day. Had in 60 oz before noon. But it did ot seem to help. Any ideas?

Mini Gastric bypass 11/18/03
Revision due to Rejection 05/31/06
Wow Bridget please be careful and call your doctor if you don't feel better today.
I would seriously get your electrolites checked if you can. Nausea is a sign of messed up levels.
Also, I dump on certain protien shakes like the Atkins ones in the cans
They just don't agree with me.
Please keep us up to date and be careful!