WOW, Lost 12 Pounds after 4 days on Time Out Plan
I understand the fear, I do. i tried to go a full day and couldnt do it. But that doesn't mean I don 't use the board for inspiration and truth is... I have made changes that will be good for me. I don 't know that liquids are for everyone... but I think what Molly says in her posts is correct. its an awareness of whats going in our mouths. I read every morning and vow to do better. It's the best we can do. Last week.. I went back to the gyn. Walked 3 times.. 3 days... and increased a mile each day. This goal is 4 days. I don't measure my success by what others are able to do... but I do measure it by the things that I do.. the improvements I make. The best thing about this board for me.. is knowing I"m not alone in my struggle. So.. I will continue to excercise.. increase the water.. drink my protein shakes.. and live healthy. Thank you .. all of you.. for sharing your successes as well as your struggles.
Hi. See Molly's post above. She describes it and refers you to another post.
Thanks for your message. I am so thankful for everyone here on the Grads board for supporting me during my difficult time.
There are so many of us who are experiencing what you are. Have some comfort in that as well as you can reverse the weight gain and gain control. It is one of the hardest things to do, but it is so worth it. Life is worth living.
Hi again. I got the Nectar protein drink at Vitamin Shoppe and I think you can buy them on line. They have different flavors. I tried the Fuzzy Navel mixed with crystal light. I dilute the crystal light with half water then add the scoop of protein powder. I used the Sunrise Orange flavor. It tastes pretty good. I really didn't notice the protein taste. They have other flavors like Carribean cooler. Each drink gives you 23 grams of protein and only 90 calories.
Made by Syntrax.
Having found this site a few days ago and checking many of the other forums I can see that I am not alone in this at all and that it is very important that I keep going with the efforts to regain control of my eating. Today is day 5 for me, as I mentioned, and I am counting this a successful day...
lge iced coffee
protein shake
cucumber slices
scoop of tuna salad on lettuce
iced coffee
string cheese
4oz steak
protein shake
Hi Chris, If you read within page 1 of this post - by Molly , she describes the time out plan and gives you the link to the poster who shared it with us.
I bought the Fuzzy Navel Nectar at Vitaminshoppe.
I'm back on strict liquids today through Friday. Gotta be ready to get weighed at the surgeon's office on Friday morning!
I bought 3 different bikinis on sale at Walmart today. I can't believe it!!! It was a great shopping day and I got to go to the pool as well.

3 bikinis??!!! I am SOOOOOOO not there! Molly made a cute reference to having a "muffin top" when you gain a bit and spill over your waistband. I was actually pleased that I could sqeeeeeeze into some shorts that I thought I had to get rid of due to my wt gain (but losing this week allowed me back in). When I managed this feat, there was no cute "muffin top" but I looked alot like a can of Pillsbury biscuits that just exploded open (know what I mean???) Also, my little headache is back and I am convinced now it is caffeine withdrawal, I only had one lge iced coffee this pm and the pesky headache showed up this evening. SO, that is another little thing towork on, but at least I know now!