Answer to my hypoglycemia
Hi, I am 2 years post op last March and just joined this site about 15 minutes ago so I am very new to this - I have never belonged to a forum before but everyone seems so nice and informative! I have had problems with low blood sugars for about the last year and half. I had to figure it out myself as my doc did not have any suggestions. Was feeling very hot, sweaty and shaky one night and used my husbands glucose monitor (he is diabetic) and my blood sugar was 34. I find I can control it most of the time if I make sure I get enough protein to counter the carbs that I may be eating, but sometimes it still sneaks up on me like when exercising. It is a real bummer as it definitley takes you out of commission for a while. I drink a glass of milk with Carnation No Sugar added Instant Breakfast - chocolate (I mix with ice in summer and heat up as hot chocolate in winter) My blood sugar stabilizes the best following this "remedy".... I would also be curious as to what testing you did to identify the problem with the pancreas. It is so nice to hear I am not alone in this!!!! I hope everything goes well with your surgery and will keep you in thoughts and prayers!!! Kim

~Rich~6'5.0"~open RNY~08/05/2004~>500+/450/437/250/239/320(high/consult/preop/goal/low/current)

Hi Connie,
Please see my reply to Rachel and email me at [email protected] if you would like me to send you the research paper from Mayo.