One week ago I started my time out plan to reset my tummy and my brain and it is really working. I am down at least six pounds and have not weighed yet today (from 165.5 to 159.5 as of yesterday). I have energy, no blood suger surges sending me to the couch or reaching for yet ANOTHER snack to try to fix it.
Anyway, I feel absolutely great. I will keep this up for one more week while listening to my body and acting accordingly since I am not under a doctor's care. My neighbor, a doctor can order labs for me if I ask him to but will have to pay out of pocket for it. But I have not had any dizziness, lightheadedness, lack of energy, ect. The only thing is that I am crabby when I sit down at the dinner table and do not eat with my family.
That's my update for today! I know it might seem a little self-important to some of me to keep posting this everyday but in all sincerity...just skip over it when you see the subject line because I need to post this. It really helps me and I value the support of all who are also trying to take back control. It is totally working and is not that hard to stick to without cheating.
Pardon the cut and paste from Alesia's Accountability post:
I am still in time out and had:
Wake up: one cup of coffee with SF creamer
B:Nectar Protein Shake (Fuzzy Navel) with a little Sunrise CL
L: Cappuccino Protein Shake with a little cinnamon
S: Nectar Protein Shake (Fuzzy Navel) with a little Sunrise CL
D:Bullion cube while family ate pizza. I can't just abandon them during dinner but they had pizza and that made me very crabby but I stood strong and they loved on me and I got through
S:Nectar Protein Shake (Fuzzy Navel) with a little Sunrise CL
So, that is a total of 4 shakes and at least 100 ounces of water. I drink all of my water through a Starbucks Venti Cup with a big green straw and it goes down really easy. If I drink CL I have to use an opaque cup as the kids will suck it all down and it stains the carpet.

Anyway., I felt great slipping into my loose size 12 GAP chino shorts. They are so cute and were giving me "muffin top" last week. Ya know where the chubby part at the top of lower rise pants puffs out like a muffin top.? I'm sure you have all seen it on some mommy bodies out there trying to be cute and failing miserably, LOL!
Happy weekend to all,