Home Alone and the Fridge Keeps Staring at Me!!!
Holy cow....I knew I shouldn't have taken a vacation day today!!!
I'm home ALL ALONE and I swear the fridge it trying to talk some strange language to me! I'm doing my best to ignore it...I hope I can keep it up. Maybe I should go to Home Depot and get some chains and locks...LOL
It's pouring rain outside so I can go shopping (live in FL and I don't trust ANYONE driving while it's raining...they are MANIACS!)
I know, I will EXERCISE!!!
Wish me luck...I don't want to sabatoge myself when I 've been doing so good. I hate being home because I get SOOO tempted. I don't know how you stay at home moms do it - I have utmost respect for ya'll....

my fridge stares at me too, but what's worse is carbs. they follow me, i swear. they taunt and giggle and laugh. grrrr.
this is what i always do. hope it works for you.

Jasmine Myers, joyful wife, mother, and WLS graduate of nearly 11 years. Having walked a complicated journey toward wellness, I've developed a passion for helping others find their own paths to peak health. The company I work for is conducting an important obesity-related research study. Check it out here.
Thanks Ya'll for your good advice.
I just got dressed to go exercise for an hour...
Then I think I will curl up on the couch and finish reading my book, play my Family Feud computer game (dorky I know, but I LOVE it) and maybe paint some crafts I haven't done in awhile.
And yes, I do stick my tongue out at the fridge quite often...give it the finger sometimes too..oops, shouldn't admit that!! LOL

It's been really tough for me as well. School was out early in May, we went on vacation to Wisconsin and now I have been home for the last two weeks. That all ends Monday as I start my internship and will be working all day five days a week. I am looking forward to the structure as it's so tempting to go back to the fridge!
Hi Needs-help,
I understand you feeling on this. I had a break down the other day, my sweet husband brought choc home. And guess what started talking to me... yeah you got it... i couldnt handle it anymore.. but was strange i didnt dump... but it affected the other way. So i understand what you are saying .
Good luck,
Dawn Bashaw