Is it sabatage or me being paranoid?

I don't know your friend, so it could be sabatage--she wants to remain the "successful" one--or just you being sensitive. But I would wonder about someone who has made healthy choices for herself and her own family bringing unhealthy items to anyone else. If rolls are bad for me, why wouldn't they be bad for someone else?
But regardless of her motivation, the key is how you chose to respond. You can take the items and be frustrated, not take the items, or take the items and not be frustrated. What works best for you? If you don't want to seem ungrateful, take the stuff and run it under the tap, ruin it, and throw it away. Just because she gave it to you doesn't mean you have to eat it! If that doesn't work for you, be honest with her about not wanting such tempting items in your house. Have some place else to suggest she give it to--a local shelter perhaps?
While she may be presenting the temptation, it is up to you to decide whether to give in or not.
Good luck,

~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
on 6/1/07 1:53 am
Jesus is so good to me; I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!

~~ Julie ~~
Current weight:120 and still 5'4