Whey or Soy??
I am thinking of jumping on board and trying this "time out". I am looking for a good protein drink. I found one at GNC, am sipping it right now to see if I am going to like it. It is Banana cream, Really good if you like bananas, I also bought a cookies and cream, cause they are buy one get one 50% off. Any ways while there I was noticing they have Whey protein and soy protein. So which is best?? Does it make a difference, or just a personal preference?

Mini Gastric bypass 11/18/03
Revision due to Rejection 05/31/06
I am allergic to peanuts so was told to stay away from soy as it is in the same family. That being said, the list of how well your body digests proteins starts with whey at the top and nuts at the bottom. Fish, chicken and beef are in the middle. So I would assume that soy protein would fall where the nuts falls, at the bottom. There is lots of controversy on that but I will stick with the whey - I usually drink Isopure first thing in the morning with my supplements and it gives me a good start for the day. If I feel I haven't gotten enough protein throughout the day, I have another glass at bedtime. So I guess I'm doing it right - who knows!
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
Miles City, MT