Left Sided Pain Explained
Finally, after all this time, I am getting somewhere. It is now a general consensus that my pain was initially gastric bypass related, but this subsequent pain (left sided) that I have been having for months and months has nothing to do with the bypass.
I am being told that it is because of ovarian cysts that I am having pain, but other than that, I am fine. No more surgeries, no more doctors, I can move on from this. I am still having pain, but at least now I know what from.
What a relief it must be to finally have a answer for your pain.
Hope it resolves and goes away.
I dont want to scare you but I do want to share My personal experience.
I to had pain on left side could not explain why it hurt sometimes to the extent I could not move. THey thougt related to surgery did all kinds of test all came back normal did exploratory to look around said it was cyst on ovaries. Sent me to my Gyn who confirmed that I had large cyst did a hysterectomy (SP) 3 weeks later.
I too have been having the lower left cramps, I had an ultrasound a couple weeks ago and everything was clear, no cysts at all, and I have had them in the past so I was sure it was the same thing. So now that the scan was clear, and I'm still getting the pain from time to time, I don't know what it could be.

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I have had this problem also and have been scheduled for an exploratory procedure. The pain has been so bad I have been in ER's over and over. My doctor thinks its scar tissue wrapping around intestine or an internal hernia.
I just hope he's right, it would be terrible to have a open exploratory procedure to have him find nothing. But he says if bloeed flow gets restricted from the intestine, you can be in big trouble. I am waiting for a cardiac clearance before I proceed. If anyone has any other ideas, feel free to let me know