Gaining -- HELP!!!
I had a complete blood workup not too long ago. Calcium was extremely low. They put me on a vitamin D script. Otherwise, clean bill of health! I was anemic before the surgery but have been doing extra iron, which has finally started to work.
The truth is.....I AM A FOOD JUNKIE! I love it! It makes me happy. I just have to learn how to love all the things that are good for me.
I'm in the same boat you are. I'm almost three years out and have gained 30 + pounds . . . and I'm retaining fluid. This started after I had surgery to remove the excess skin from my stomach seven months ago. I just ordered a new book -- SUCCESS HABITS OF SUCESSFUL WLS Patients. I'll let you know how it works.
I WAS in the same boat you are currently in. I had regained 40 lbs
Then I decided it was up to me to get it back under control before it got worse. I cut out the sugar, which was very hard. However, after day 3 passed, I did not have any cravings for sugar and for a person like me who thought chocolate should be part of the basic food groups, it has been amazing. I also went back to the basics. Not drinking during meals, making sure to get in at least 64 oz of water, avoiding high glycemic carbs,eating protein first and tracking every last bite of food on fitday. I have lost all that I have gained and feel great not only physically but emotionally as well. I don't feel like I have failed or that I am losing the game. Previously I was avoiding the scale because I knew I would like what it had to say. Now I am on the scale every day, which I know some say not to do, but that is how I remain accountable to myself. So good luck to you and know it can be turned around!
wls surgery 10/03/01
lost 175 pounds

I appreciate finding you all here, I am 4 yrs postop and have been gaining this past year. I am afraid the effects of the surgery will be undone by my addictive eating. I am trying the time out in that I am doing the protein shakes and a small protein meal. I never wanted to be "skinny" I wanted to be more healthy. I don't want to regain the wt since that will make me less healthy. I have not been prioritizing the protein and water and have allowed myself to frequently indulge in sugar which leads to wanting MORE carbs. I am already feeling less carb craving on day 2 of time out. The little headache is annoying but I am not entirely sure that is from the change in eating. We'll see what happens, point is, I am afraid to keep gaining and I am working with you all to regain control.