Pouch Resetting (Time Out) Roll Call!
Hi Rachael!
I was also a year out when hunger reared it's ugly head! I am so glad you are getting a handle on things! That is awesome. I didn't even know this grads thing existed until a couple months ago let alone a plan of attack called time out! So, we are all learning together.
Take care and great to have you here on the roll call!
Molly,I have come across a few people at post op meetings that are looking for a way to lose weight gain.TIME OUT seems like it does work.Questions,first how long should one be doing the first stage of TIME OUT?
After you come off liquids do you follow the basic steps that you took after surgery.Like full liquids,puree,soft and regular food.
I know it is easier with our pouch to stay on this compare to before surgery.
I have seen alot of post on TIME OUT.I thought I would ask.Thank you............bob
Hi Bob!
I am really going this thing alone. I really wish I had a surgeon to ask these types of questions to and by no means am an expert. I only have the internet and my own very limited experience in this. So, all that being said...I really don't know how long one should stay on liquids. BUT...
My goal is two weeks. The only thing I will chew is vitamins.
After those two weeks I will start to introduce easily digested lean, dense proteins. Such as shrimp salad, tuna salad, and regular green salads. I also *love* soft cooked greens like kale and spinach (that's the Southerner in me but it's also very healthy). I will reintroduce those and eat some snacks like string cheese and such.
To tell you the truth NEVER in my life, not even the evening before my surgery have I ever been on a liquid diet. My first week postop I was already on soft foods so this is all new to me and I am amazed at how well I am (my body) handling it so far.
Just to be perfectly clear...I am not an expert. I did not get this diet from my doctor but hey! I was desperate to quit the grazing and go back to basics. Just last week I was eating preschooler food like cookies and crap with my kids.
Also, Bob, I have to tell you that I would not be embarking on any type of liquid diet without the awesome help of my pouch. Nor would I reccomend it (think Oprah regain). I have heard that without wls, people who go off of liquid diets have a horrendous regain in a very short time. This liquid diet is not so much about losing weight for me as it is about a time out. When I give my two toddlers (3 &4) a time out it is time to:
1) Remove them from a situation that is getting them in trouble or has the potential to cause harm to themselves or others and Think about what they have been doing wrong.
2) To teach them some discipline so they can love themselves more and become successful little people.
3) Set boundaries of what is acceptable and what is against the rules because breaking the rules will only take them bad places.
This is what I am doing to myself and that is why it is exactly like a time out for me.
Here is a link to the inspiration for all of this. I have emailed her and do not want her to be overwhemed with questions that is why I looked up a bunch of stuff on it before I started my liquids.
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/wls_grads/a,messageboard/a ction,replies/board_id,5491/cat_id,5091/topic_id,3295948/
I think Nectar is reccomended because it is high protein, low carb, not milk based, sugar free, ect. So, that is just what I am doing since I do like Nectar protein a lot anyway.
BUT it sounds like what you have would definatly work too! Hey, at least you would be getting lots of great protein, not too much sugar and no grazing because there is no eating, know what I mean?