Just binged, why can't I control myself?
Emotinal eating is a compulsion that many of us can not control. I hate it when I do those things to myself so I know exactly what you mean. I always ask myself why? Why do I hurt myself by doing this to myself. I'm not hurting anyone else and they could really care less if I'm stuffing my face with food~ahhhhh, its a vicious cycle! I agree that there is no quick fix~it takes a lifestyle change. Don't be hard on yourself about not being able to follow the liquids only diet~I don't think I could do that one either. For me, those are the types of things that contributed to me weighing 328lbs b/c I was always trying something, whatever the latest thing was, to try to drop weigh quickly only to turn around and gain the weight back plus a few more pounds as well. Today's a new day so put that binge behind you and try to do your best today~one day at a time. Good Luck and keep us posted!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
no flaming here. I understand completely that need to binge, to self-sabbotage when you feel like you've "messed up" anyway. please know that you aren't alone. I am fighting this same battle and it is a symptom of something else. food doesn't solve problems. I'm slowly trying to learn that myself.
i don't really have advice for you because I'm fighting an uphill battle myself, but know you're not alone and there are always people to talk to. If you check out my profile, you'll see that I deal with this almost on a daily basis. good luck to you.

Jasmine Myers, joyful wife, mother, and WLS graduate of nearly 11 years. Having walked a complicated journey toward wellness, I've developed a passion for helping others find their own paths to peak health. The company I work for is conducting an important obesity-related research study. Check it out here.