Hello to All:
I was at 415 lbs in September, 2003 and went down 265 lbs. in January of 2006. I really still feel great, but am now up to 295 lbs. and I hate not fitting in my 2 sizes smaller clothing. I'm large boned and my surgeon says that I really don't by weight charts. At 265 lbs, I looked like I was 185 lbs.
Had to deal with the death of mom and taking care of dad etc. etc. and the weight came back on. I never eat sugar, but the calories in foods now count. I'm besides myself. My surgeon and weight management physician feel I should get the lapband over the gastric bypass to help me get to where I need to be.
I've done some research and found a procedure called "Sclerotherapy", which is an endoscopic procedure that makes the stoma the size it was when the gastric bypass was done. I can eat too much - - but am never hungry. The old habits of eating fast are coming back and I'M SCARED!!!!!
Has anyone heard of this procedure and/or had it done. If so, what does it involve. I've got a call out to get an appointment with the surgeon to talk about this to see if he does this procedure.
Really would love to hear from you guys. I look up to you all for your courage and wisdom on this web site.
Kathy from Massachusetts
Hi Kathy, Yes I have heard about this procedure, but I have not had it done. My understanding is that the surgeon during the endoscopy injections a substance into your stoma at varying intervals. This is suppose to form scar tissue, and reduce the size of the stoma. I was told that our pouches don't overly stretch but the stoma itself enlarges and lets food pass through faster and thus you can get hungry sooner and eat more often.
Good luck, keep us posted how things go.