Eating Like Crap!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
We had our stomachs fix but not our heads.We are addicted to food,just the least amount of stress than we start bringing our food demons back.For you Traci,it is the fact that it is hot outside and you are now use to it.For someone else it could be anything that can cause it. Make up your mind that from now on ,that you will find things healthy to eat.I see that you get alot and give alot of support on OH.Keep it up that will also help you in you achieving your goals.Attend support group meetings that way there might be someone who could use your help and someone giving you help when times are rough. Do not anyone feel like they are out of control.We have more control than we think,take the bull by the horn and tell yourself that this will not defeat me... bob

Jasmine Myers, joyful wife, mother, and WLS graduate of nearly 11 years. Having walked a complicated journey toward wellness, I've developed a passion for helping others find their own paths to peak health. The company I work for is conducting an important obesity-related research study. Check it out here.
every person n the world needs to eat a healthy balanced diet, which means everything in moderation. when we totally restrict ourselves of foods that are not the healthiest for us, we want it that much more. so why not, once in a while, include some of the junkie type foods. one way i take control is i schedule time to eat outside of my new normal limits. almost daily, i eat mostly protein, few carbs, lots of salads. especially, during that time of the month, i allow myself some good ole fashion junk. thing is only after a few bites that craving is satisfied. one week will not make or break you. allow youself some room to error and understand its a part of life- not just post rny (or whatever type of food restrictive regimin). suck in that sugar, chomp on those doritos, get over it and get back to business. peace, frankie
LOL, I hear ya frankie! I am definitely a moderation girl b/c I can't go FOREVER without some of my favorite things. It does scare me when I get on one of these kicks, but somehow I always find my way back on track. Today has been MUCH better, thankfully!!!!!!!! Thanks for your words of encouragement~I really appreciate it!
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"