Oh my.....
Hey there, gang!
Well, I've been "absent" for a few days - thought I was headed out of town for a nice long weekend with my parents, brother and his family out on the lake, celebrating birthdays and a late Mother's Day gathering....... turned out that I spent the first two days in the hospital following a bad break of my left ankle and emergency sugery to put pins/plates in it!
Anyway, I'm back home now after several days of Mom/Dad taking care of me -now it's hubby's turn to pitch in, as I have been ordered to stay off this foot for at least eight weeks!
My biggest concern at this point is the possible derailment of my exercise program! I'm not accustomed to being bed-ridden, unable to (at the very least) walk, so I'm panicked about how my weight is going to handle this set-back. I was already battling a gain, so I cannot allow this to add more pounds going forward.
I'm hoping that once I'm feeling a little better and stronger and OFF THE PAIN MEDS, I will be able to do some upper-body strength training and some limited leg exercise (non-weight bearing, of course!)
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for no increase on the scale through this healing ordeal!
Oh my word! I don't know that I could be down for 8 weeks. I'd drive me, the dog, the cat, and everyone crazy! Good luck and fast healing.
You might try some "sitercise." These are routines you can do while sitting, so you wouldn't have to put any weight on your foot--just don't do any that requires you to bounce your foot. While they might not be as demanding as your regular routine, they would be something.
As much as I hate to exercise, I have reached the point where I do feel better if I do something. (It only took me a year and a half to get there!)
Take care,
Sorry about the injury. Hope it heals well and as soon as possible.
As for exercise have you ever checked out chair exercises? These are exercises you can do while sitting in a chair. I have found info about that type of exercises on a web site called sparkpeople.com , might be under exercsies for those with a disabilty.
Good luck