Boy can I sympathize. I'm pretty much at the same place. I have bounced up about 10 pounds (which isn't so very much, but is enough to make my clothes uncomfortable). I can't say I'm doing everything wrong, but I sure am doing a half-***ed job. I think I'm so used to constantly gaining or losing (mostly gaining) weight that I can't figure out this "maintaining my weight' thing. And, I am very bad about getting any exercise. Good luck to you Penny B.
Count me in! I have some really nice pants and a great looking dress that are too snug for public viewing. I have gotten permission from my doc to go back on protein drinks/bars until this 10 pounds comes off. But today is a very stressful day.... normally I would be comforting myself with food. I must confess that I am comforting myself with a diet coke though. Its always something....

Hey there!!
I'm so in there with the "comfort" food issue. I can't remember what I found as comforting fresh post-op. I think I had to deal with issues instead of trying to feed them. Now I've learned to lightly feed them all day long--even at work and I had never done that before--something for the journal any way--
Good Luck and stay in touch!!
I believe what you just did was the first of the 12 steps of Overeating Anonymous. I have been reading a book called The Anatomy of a Food Addiction by Anne Katherine, M.A. and have come to realize that carbs are a dangerous food for me. Even ones without much sugar in them like crackers. I have to be so careful and I must admit it is not easy! I wish we had a chapter of OA here - but we don't. The closest one is 150 miles away. Maybe there is one where you live?
Diona Austill
Miles City, MT
Miles City, MT
I totally agree with the OA issue. I went to a meeting preop but there are no groups around where I live now either. There aren't any wls support groups near either. I feel kind of weird going to different groups but as I've been reading on this site--I've come to realize how great the grad site is because it gives the long-term perspective. I need to learn by my mistakes and that is what happens long-term.
Thanks Diona
I am right there with you. I have not gained to the point I have to buy larger clothes, but I am FREAKING out too!!!
I am 19 months post op on the 24th, and I have no clue what to do now. I can't exercise due to my bile duct, and I have to have surgery again, but I can eat about the same as I have all along and I have gained about 4-5lbs. I do NOT want to gain another pound!!
I have an appetite now too, and I eat nuts like crazy, or I did until a couple of days ago and I am really watching my diet hard. I bought some steamed shrimp at costco and some salads and chicken breast and veggies, and fresh pineapple. If I find myself wanting to snack, I eat some salad or a boiled egg or chicken and that fills me up good.
I think we all think we will gain back 100 lbs, and I suppose the fear is good in a way, but I have no idea now, what to do about the 5lbs, other than I need to try to sneak and exercise, although I can't really, because of the pain.
Take care and just make your house fool proof for not failing. Throw out carbs, breads, chips and keep only high quality proteins and SF puddings and such in the house, no cheating!!
Me too!!
LAP RNY 08/24/05, Dr. Byrne Charleston SC
289lbs/-144lbs/145lbs BMI 20.1
Lower Body Lift, Dr. Juan C. Fuentes, Tijuana Mexico
Breast Lift/Augmentation, Dr. Juan C. Fuentes, Tijuana Mexico
Thigh Lift/Liposuction/Fat Injections into Buttocks/Scar Revision,Dr Fuentes
View Before/After pics below..Email me for password!
289lbs/-144lbs/145lbs BMI 20.1
Lower Body Lift, Dr. Juan C. Fuentes, Tijuana Mexico
Breast Lift/Augmentation, Dr. Juan C. Fuentes, Tijuana Mexico
Thigh Lift/Liposuction/Fat Injections into Buttocks/Scar Revision,Dr Fuentes
View Before/After pics below..Email me for password!
PS like my doc told me, we are food addicts and will always be. The worst part like he said was if it were drugs or alcohol, we can live without those, easier to fight the addiction, but you HAVE to eat food to live, so you can never get away from your addiction.
Saltines are my lifeline when I am quesy on my stomach, which is often, so I am trying not to eat them anymore unless it is only with a pill or vitamins to coat my stomach.
Thanks guys,
Good luck!
LAP RNY 08/24/05, Dr. Byrne Charleston SC
289lbs/-144lbs/145lbs BMI 20.1
Lower Body Lift, Dr. Juan C. Fuentes, Tijuana Mexico
Breast Lift/Augmentation, Dr. Juan C. Fuentes, Tijuana Mexico
Thigh Lift/Liposuction/Fat Injections into Buttocks/Scar Revision,Dr Fuentes
View Before/After pics below..Email me for password!
289lbs/-144lbs/145lbs BMI 20.1
Lower Body Lift, Dr. Juan C. Fuentes, Tijuana Mexico
Breast Lift/Augmentation, Dr. Juan C. Fuentes, Tijuana Mexico
Thigh Lift/Liposuction/Fat Injections into Buttocks/Scar Revision,Dr Fuentes
View Before/After pics below..Email me for password!