My 3 year check up!
Well guys, Friday I had my yearly follow up with my WLS doctor. I was hesitant about going, just because I still feel that I REALLY struggle with food. Well imagine my shock when I find out that at 3 years post-op I have lost 100% of my excess body weight!!! He says I am a 'poster child' although I don't necessarily agree! I do worry about my eating and things, and the fact that there are days where I really feel like I am eating too much. I have to do more conscious things, like put away half of my food even when I feel like eating all of my own opinion the only good thing I do is really push the water, trying for around 90 oz a day.
I also asked him about the pouch stretching thing, as this is always a very hot topic for debate,especially on OH. What he told me was that the part of the stomach that is used to create the pouch is VERY tough, and when people talk about stretching, what they are really referring to is stretching the STOMA...which can also give you the ability to eat more and also make it pass through more quickly, allowing you to eat more or feel hungry more often. I told them are times that I really have to slow down and listen to my gut, or I will eat more than I should. I just hate that that 'full' feeling isn't always as pronounced as it once was. And he said that is a big key, listening to your body even when your mind wants you to go forward.
I will say that I was pleasantly surprised, and this has given me a bit of a mental boost to keep on track. This weekend I noticed that my meals were a bit smaller when I was really trying to listen to those cues. I am going to be trucking on...I know this will never be easy, that it will be a life long battle! I'm glad OH is here to help also with the ideas from others as well as the support.