Could this be vitamin related?
I have noticed for the last week or so,,I literally ache all over!! My shoulders, arms, legs, back..all seem to ache, and no amount of paine reliever helps. So, Im wondering if it could be a symptom of some kind of vitamin deficiency.
I take Citrical, B12, and 2 Flintstone chewables, what could I be needing?? Im 20 months post op for LAP/RNY.
Thanks, appreciate the input.
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Funny you shold say that,,I woke up this morning and that thought popped into my mind! Im gonna chack it out. Woke up with my arms and shoulders throbbing!!
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Just a FYI. On a few sites I have been reading, I notice that the consensus is that Flintstones Vits (even though doctors recommend them), are not complete for our needs. Could be that you are lacking in some very important minerals that a bariatric vitamin can supply. I take Vista Vitamins that I order direct from their website. Haven't had any problems. An added D, B Complete, B-12 and fish oil round out my regimen. Good luck. Flintstones are for children, not us.
How much citracal? No iron? No added D?
I'm not a fan of the one-size-fits-all vites, personally. I've always used a component system, address specific needs specifically. It's WAY cheaper than any of the one-size types and I target the items I need directly. There is nothing on the market that would give me 25,000 units of vit D per day, but I only need 10,000 units of A per WEEK. That's based on my labs today. I take a LOT of calcium, iron, zinc and a few other malsbsorptive specific vites. I do take 2 ordinary multi vits as a base.
Chronic low D is also known as rickets. And sadly, it's common in our population. The good news is that we can prevent it. Ppl who get their D levels up nice and mid-range or better report better joint mobility, less achy feeling, improved mood, and more energy. I'm not so sure about the more energy, but hey, if they think so, then go, go, go. LOL
To address your A, D, E, though, the vites have to be specific. A is dry form retinol (we can't convert beta carotene to retinol); D is dry form D3 (we can't convert anything to D3); E is dry form d-alpha (we can't convert the dl-alpha) and so on. We don't use anything with OIL in it, since the absorption factor is so unreliable. Won't hurt, of course, just might not help anything.
Then iron is a whole OTHER matter of discussion. LOL
The main thing would be to get a comprehensive set of labs IN YOUR OWN HANDS. Should be about 12 vials and end up with 4-5 pages.
I'm not a fan of the one-size-fits-all vites, personally. I've always used a component system, address specific needs specifically. It's WAY cheaper than any of the one-size types and I target the items I need directly. There is nothing on the market that would give me 25,000 units of vit D per day, but I only need 10,000 units of A per WEEK. That's based on my labs today. I take a LOT of calcium, iron, zinc and a few other malsbsorptive specific vites. I do take 2 ordinary multi vits as a base.
Chronic low D is also known as rickets. And sadly, it's common in our population. The good news is that we can prevent it. Ppl who get their D levels up nice and mid-range or better report better joint mobility, less achy feeling, improved mood, and more energy. I'm not so sure about the more energy, but hey, if they think so, then go, go, go. LOL
To address your A, D, E, though, the vites have to be specific. A is dry form retinol (we can't convert beta carotene to retinol); D is dry form D3 (we can't convert anything to D3); E is dry form d-alpha (we can't convert the dl-alpha) and so on. We don't use anything with OIL in it, since the absorption factor is so unreliable. Won't hurt, of course, just might not help anything.
Then iron is a whole OTHER matter of discussion. LOL
The main thing would be to get a comprehensive set of labs IN YOUR OWN HANDS. Should be about 12 vials and end up with 4-5 pages.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
Thanks everyone, youve all been a big help.
Im gonna call my surgeon Monday and get an order for labs, I havent had em done since November and then no one called me to tell me the results. I called several times, and no one could find them, or find someone to tell me anything, So I have no clue where I am!!
I do know this,,I dont eat many veggies at all,,cant do it,,they dont set will with me,,and few meats. I eat mostly cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, chicken and peanut butter and fat free milk.Soups too. Beans. Eggs come right back up. SO, I am bound to be lacking in something! Im getting very concerned!
What exactly should I ask for?? Any certain set of tests?
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I have a list of suggested labs on my web site if you would like to know what 13 vials worth vitalady is talking about., just add Copper to that list. I have this set done every six months and adjust my vitamin intake accordingly.
Sandra B. View my journal and educational pages at "Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s." –Billy Wilder "Know your labs and track your trends."
My surgeon's office gave us this list. Don't know if it's complete but you may want to check it out. =view¤t=list.jpg
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