Help! 5 years post op and need to get back on track!
Hi Patty
I also had Dr. Warnock as my surgeon. Never had any problems with my surgery but like you somewhere along the way I have managed to start gaining. Never did reach my goal.
I went to see him December and he had me start the liquids as well. Then my older sister that had been battling cancer died .... was not a suprise but very hard and I was dealing with that but then her oldest daughter died unexpectedly about a month later from a stomach infection and that threw me for loop. I just haven't been able to stick with what he told me to do and now I'm so embarrased and ashamed at losing control once again that I haven't been able to make myself go see him again.
I have started the liquids again this week in hope of getting in control. I hate the roller coaster. I had so hoped the surgery would help me not go through this again. I guess I still don't know how to actually be in control. The quantity of food I can eat now with out it bothering me is scary. Its my fault I am letting it happen and I'm so dissapointed in myself.
Well thanks for listening and letting me vent it was good to see your posting.
Take care and good luck in your journey ..sounds like you are on the right path.
on 5/23/07 3:55 am - Leander, TX