Help! 5 years post op and need to get back on track!
I called my surgeons office yesterday as a matter of fact so I am hoping they will call me back soon to let me know what they think.
Did your surgeon act like he may consider other options at the end of the 2 weeks? I am researching the possibility of lap band surgery. Have you heard of this after RNY?
Thanks for your help!

He's not even considering further surgery. He wants me to do this with behavior modification. I don't think he will do a revision of any kind unless there is a mechanical problem with the surgery. I do have a mechanical problem but my insurance won't pay to have it fixed and I sure can't pay it out of pocket.
The options after the two weeks are whether to stay on all protein shakes or to add a small salad a day. Right now, I had just as soon stay on the liquids - it's nice not to have to make food choices and worry about meals. I know that I can't do it forever but I do want to lose a good chunk of this weight in a hurry.
He uses this for all his patients who start regaining - and usually it's much sooner before the gain is so big - I just refused to face reality and dig my heels in and deal with it.
I hope you hear from your doctor.
Well, maybe then I will go to the store this afternoon and get some stuff to make me some protein shakes. That sounds like a good idea, I am just afraid I may have trouble sticking with that.
At one point after my RNY, my husband bought me some protein powder from Smoothie King. It tasted ok and you can mix it with anything.
Is there any certain brand your doctor recommends? Sorry for all of the questions!
Thanks again and I wish you luck too!
Am back too, Don't feel bad Patty..
I went to the Dr's and was totally ashamed as myself.. Yes I know I am on many pain bills, and one with a litte bit of steroids in them to knock down my Fibro, and Lupus..I can understand it a bit.. but I know I have been stressed with the pain and have been eating to kill it...
Poor Excuse, huh, to stupid to use all my tools, not only pouch. attitude, scale and fitday..
I finally got it all together..
My Dr. wants me to eat yogurt when I take my pills 3 times a day, and have a protein drink 3 times a day, and an apple for roughage...
If anyone of you remember me.... I got to my goal, and gained back 27 lbs... I am now riding my horse Goobs, he is my big bay.. and Marianne has a horse also named Red Cloud.. He is a red roan.. so Marianne is in all her glory, that she has her pink horse..
Basically with bringing up the mini farm..I have been working hard, and running in and out of the house, It was easier to grab a peanut butter sandwich.. then to do a meat and cheese roll up..
or something that was good for me.. New House, and mini farm, and back to my old ways..
So am on top of it..
I figured if I made an appointment with the Dr for a weigh in, every other week, I have to take responsibility for myself, now I can either go in there, and smile when I hit the scale, or not using my willpower and gaining... I want and need the kick in the butt, to keep me honest and righteous..
Hope you all are doing well.. Spring is finally here, and the leaves are just starting to come out.
Marianne saw a moose yesterday when I was letting her drive.. she will be getting her liscense this summer...
All is well way up here in EBF Maine, and we are loving so much.. Is wonderful to have my horses, and spending time helping Mike rebuild our old house..
You all take care..
Seems like old times doesn't it. Taling about all the good things and getting back into control. Feels right to be back. Hope you stay around - maybe we can all support each other cause I know a lot of us oldies are dealing with stress and emotional eating. It's just so dang easy to fall back into old habits.
I know you are in heaven with the horses
and with Maine. Hope I get back up to visit in the fall - that was soooooooooooooo much fun.
Love you,

Patty am here..
You know picking up old habits is dang easy.. Gosh was cozy at minus 45 degree's out here this winter, to make a batch of popcorn, and get under my electric blankets in bed, and cuddle with Mike and watch tv... maybe a little to comfortable..Then of course baking when it snowed out, is one of my favorite things to do.. but not favorite for the hips...
Goobs and Red Cloud will help, is more fun spending time with them, and grooming them, and even when feeling ok, mucking out the barn, may take me longer then it does Mike or Jon, but at least I am trying and happy with that.. Just being back on riding, and my love for Goobs, will get me where I want to be..
Had a great day last night.. stayed under 800 calories..eneded up with 3 protein drinks and 3 yogurts and an apple for the day, and glasses of ice tea..Getting used to this now. and when taking my pills with the yogurt is making my stomach burn less.. so that is it from the top of the mountains.
Patty gotta get you up here again, was fun having you here.. and you will be happy with some of the changes we have now.. and is great to get my morning coffee outside, and watch my 2 boys trotting out in their pasture..
You all Have a Wonderful Mothers Day...
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/07 1:25 pm - Leander, TX
on 5/22/07 1:25 pm - Leander, TX
I also had Dr. Warnock and I saw him about a year and a half ago with my weight re-gain. At that time he didn't mention doing a liquid diet, but it makes so much sense and I have asked about it on here so many times. I never really knew if it was safe or not, but now to read your response knowing you had the same surgeon is reassuring. Thanks for posting about it. I will start tomorrow with the 3 shakes and low cal liquids. You have given me hope. Thanks.