(Big Sigh!)
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
~*~Tracy B~*~
328/160 *** 5'9"
Trudi: I'm so sorry that you're struggling so much. I'm glad that you decided to post here and get some support, though. I hope that you will gain some strength from being here.
The itemized list in your post tells me that at least you know what your problems are. That's a really good first step. You have recognized what is holding you back. That is huge, because many people never even know what is keeping them from succeeding. You have a handle on these things now. You mentioned therapy, and since you did, I'm thinking you realize that you need this help. And there's nothing wrong with admitting that. Now that you have, I hope that you will seek out a therapist to help you begin working on your issues.
I have to say that #'s 1 and 2 can be true for anyone, though. I don't know very many people, thin, fat or in-between, who don't love food! We're part of the "normal" population on these two! What is different for us is that we often use food to comfort us or relieve boredom, or we use it for a reward. The challenge is to learn to see food for what it really is - fuel for our bodies to thrive and be healthy. And what a challenge that is for all of us with food and weight issues.
Good luck, Trudi. Please post again to let us know how it's going.
Food does not seem to be as interesting as shopping is now... That has its own set of problems. You said that you mindless eat I find myself doing mindless shopping. I see it I order it online and it comes in the mail. It's just like Christmas how fun to get something new in the mail. Some days I feel like I am losing my mind. I have spent more money then I can afford and still have problems getting a hold on the addiction of shopping. I am a recovering alcoholic with 20 years of sobriety so drinking is out of the question. I wonder how I could control that but not shopping. Why does it happen to us I wonder most days. Why is it always such a battle? Did we not all think, I will be thin life will be wonderful I can wear anything I want. Now I deal with daily headaches which do not help with the shopping. I feel bad so I shop. Sometimes you have to take one minute at a time. I understand that everything revolves around food. It was an eye opener after surgery. I just try to not fall into that trap. I think talking to a therapist is in order. I go at least once a month more if needed. It really does help. Kim 11/04 268/153